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Re: Replica Factor Ostro VAM Everything is ordered so the waiting game has begun and I can piece this "thing" together. My expected weight is around 7 kg

Did you take some pics of the inside of the frame?
There are some quite bad pictures of the internals of the frame on the Aliexpress seller you mentioned.

Hello Tsunami, difficult to take pictures form the inside.
I did my best though, I'm not sure where you saw those bad pictures of the frame internals from this particular seller.

You can check them below.

August 29, 2024, 07:18:12 AM
Re: Replica Factor Ostro VAM
Did you take some pics of the inside of the frame?
There are some quite bad pictures of the internals of the frame on the Aliexpress seller you mentioned.

i just managed to retrieve the photos that seller took before shipping out my frame, and for me to pay the balance to him lol…

September 05, 2024, 12:48:25 PM
Re: New frame: Longteng RD301-D
I found a frame from tantan cycling, which seems identical with RD301-D.

So this frame seems open mold frame..

September 19, 2024, 06:34:43 AM