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Re: Gr048 with Tansmission? I've built a few gravel bikes with the Transmission system with the CFR-505 from Carbonda.
All the riders are extremely happy!
I'm a bit jealous now, still riding the old Eagle AXS on my gravel  ::)

The chainline of the SRAM gravel/road crankset (wide) is 47.5mm, which may cause chain rub on a couple of small sprockets if your chainstay length is on the short side (420-430mm).

I contacted SRAM to see if I could safely widen the chainline a bit. A colleague of the person who responded to me had the same issue with a mullet setup. I mentioned that the chain rub would cause some noise and lateral chain wear, but they said he was managing it fine...

I escalated the issue and eventually got someone who, after some back and forth, confirmed that SRAM has 47.5mm max only.
If I remember well, they didn't say it directly, but implied that it would be okay to use a wider chainline if found, as MTB setups allow for much more.
I added a 1mm shim on the right side, which solved the rub issue.

In addition, the app from SRAM to know the chain length, and the position of A/B setup key is not reliable.
It stops at around 38T, so add one link per additional teeth.
And it puts the setup key to A while it should generally tell B. Test both options and see which one works better.

Now, I'm about to build another one, and this time I'll try with XX1-Quarq/104BCD crankset with a 49mm chainline

May 27, 2024, 04:10:48 AM