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Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame
That sounds pretty condescending.
Pearl's question is absolutely valid, as far as i'm concerned.

It wasn't meant to be condescending at all if we understand how both sarcasm and tongue-in-cheek works LoL. Especially considering I have no record of instigating on this forum, let alone my fair share of contributions over the years.

Your comment highlights why a 268/SL8 comparison video isn't a great idea. Both brands have a cult-like following on the extreme sides of budgets. Particularly with VeloBuild and Specialized, I've seen customers on each side believe their bike purchase is virtuous in some odd way. Like a strange pissing contest of virtue signaling. The battle of financial savviness versus brand cache.

My opinions on both the 268 and SL8 are purely subjective and a projection of my own experiences. But any criticism toward either brand will incite each customer base to attack my character as a YouTube reviewer. Criticism to push the conversation forward is always welcomed. Criticism in bad faith or so simply because one doesn't "like" my opinion is a waste of everyone's time. I just don't think we need confirmation bias from YouTubers.

So the real question which needs to be asked is: What are we really looking to gain (or lose) by such comparisons? This is a serious question. I'm happy to help.

July 09, 2024, 04:08:45 PM
Re: Race frame with UDH hanger Adapt just dropped this on their FB stories 3 hours ago...


EDIT: Oh...Adapt has been teasing us with this frame for months now.

September 24, 2024, 11:47:34 AM
Re: Xiamen Carbon Speed 10 years anniversary special promotion
I'm interested in a set of the CS-D50CU-28WV rims on DT240 hubs, CX-Ray spokes.  Feel free to shoot me a message
PM sent

September 26, 2024, 12:14:07 AM