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Re: Alternative to ICAN G25 (50mm X 30+mm outer width Rims) Have a look at CSC wheels on AliExpress. I recently purchased carbon gravel wheels from them. They have many options and you can select hub, bearings and spokes.
Waiting for my new frame so have not tried the wheels yet, but apart from short bearing life reviews seem positive.

July 26, 2024, 06:58:42 AM
Re: Yuanan Carbon fiber wheelsets middle year discount promotion It's incredible how you guys go from best to beast in a couple of days.

Leon has always been correct with everyone and fulfilled the orders.

He left the company but don't you guys also change jobs? Yes, he was the face of the company on the forum but starting a fuzz because he doesn't answer in a couple of days or because the company asked you to wait because they need to go check  on Leon orders...

I get nothing from defending anyone but don't make a storm in a cup of tea. Leon, Peter, Longteng etc etc. Some days they take more time to answer sometimes less.

September 05, 2024, 05:11:33 PM
Re: Yuanan Carbon fiber wheelsets middle year discount promotion
I doubt Leon even exists as a real person lol

Actually I don't care the least as long as anything goes out fine.
When you reach out to Amazon support or similar it will also show names that aren't the actual contact person's name.

September 06, 2024, 08:51:59 AM
Re: Yuanan Carbon fiber wheelsets middle year discount promotion I've bought 3 wheelsets from "Leon" and never had a problem. My 4th purchase didn't go very smoothly though(I received a different finish than ordered) and when I tried to find some solution, Leon just ghosted me. Reading messages but never responds.
So you get your typical Chinese after-sales support with this company which is unfortunate because the wheels themselves are great.

September 07, 2024, 01:54:00 AM