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Having a problem with Wheeltop EDS TX I'm glad I found this site, it looks like the place to hopefully get some help with the issue without kneejerk responses.
I installed Hydraulic EDS TX on my bike 2 months ago, it was a bit finicky to set up but it's been perfect since then. Until yesterday. My rear derailleur has lost its mind. It no longer shifts and sometimes disconnects from the app before I can even get to the debugging menu. The red charging light was flashing for hours yesterday and is on today without the charging cable connected. I believe everything is paired because all 4 components show up in the App and because I re-paired everything just in case. In the App it says it's in a different gear nearly everytime I look at it.
I'm kind of freaking out and after describing it I'm not feeling very hopeful. The manual is not helpful for any of this so I'm hoping someone might be able to offer some guidance. Is there a way to reset it completely? If it's not something I can fix myself does anyone know the best way to contact Wheeltop, I think I saw somewhere they have a Canadian office or distributor? I haven't looked yet but hopefully you can buy individual components now.
Thanks for any help you can offer. I guess it's always a bit of a gamble buying from AliExpress but in the end I know given how much stuff I buy I'm still way ahead.

July 04, 2024, 10:46:05 AM