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Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D)
After reading every post in this thread and falling in love with some of your bikes, I decided to order this frame two weeks ago. But now you're making me doubt—will I receive a bad frame just because I ordered it before the Hambini video and didn't specify the code?  ???

What would make you think that? People overreact on this topic. Hambini just tried to explain bis understanding.

Today at 06:43:33 AM
Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D)
After reading every post in this thread and falling in love with some of your bikes, I decided to order this frame two weeks ago. But now you're making me doubt—will I receive a bad frame just because I ordered it before the Hambini video and didn't specify the code?  ???

In my communication with Lightcarbon i addressed this topic. Their reply was:

"No problem, we can get you the frame with Quality standard Z3 (actually this model are all produced in Quality standard Z3, what Hambini got is just a regular one from our mass production)."

Looks like there was no special treatment for Hambini, which however doesn't mean that issues with QC can't still happen ...

Today at 06:47:38 AM