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Re: New frame: Longteng RD301-D Yes, Winow is OEM for Hygge but they told me that they don't install BB shell for them.

I don't know if it changes something in the quality.

September 24, 2024, 05:33:38 AM
Re: Overwhelmed and not sure which rim brake frame to get I got a VB-R218 with direct mount rim brakes. I’m riding 28c tires which measure around 30mm. The frame and brakes easily clear those tires. I think you could get 32mm in there. It gets close at the chainstays but not the brakes. Rim width is more of a limiting factor IMO. My rims are 30mm wide. That’s the absolute max with my Campy calipers. Otherwise I’d have to start cutting down brake pads to still fit them in.

But on some frames the tire height can become an issue despite frame clearance and direct mount brakes if the calipers are mounted lower than usual.

But in general I’ve found that on modern/last generation rim brake frames, wider tires are actually not as much of an issue as most people think.

September 24, 2024, 11:35:51 PM
Re: Hygge Aero Carbon Frame September / October is peak road bike order season and i'm the queen of england. It's funny how many peak seasons they have in the year :)  Yuanan was claiming the same thing early in the summer, like May or June, but at least that sounded plausible...
Also, singles day is coming up (11.11) so you can be certain there's a dip in orders leading up to that, just like black friday.

October 03, 2024, 09:00:30 AM