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Messages - Fires Graphics

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Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Workswell Frames
« on: March 09, 2022, 04:05:16 AM »
So anyone know/ would recommend Workswell? Ive heard alot of people saythey are good waulity but overpriced, others saying their products are of really bad quality, so does anyone have a review/experience they can share? Long term experience would be helpful

I sent a message to Carbonda, and have been notified that unfortunately they are no longer doing any TT framesets

Greetings everyone,

Ive recently been looking at track and time trial framesets, however while I have posted about track, I have not yet posted about time trial. I happen to have a full shimanop 105 disc brake groupset at home I would like to transfer onto this bike, along witha  set of 65mm discbrake wheels, but if need be and I really need to, ill buy a new rim groupset.

Im looking to buy a frameset where the geometry complies with UCI regulations. Ive done some looking and this is what ive found so far.

Flybike: (FM-086 Disc) (FM376 CR Rim Brake) (FM-556 Rim Brake)

(Flybike seems to be a Business to Business only retailer, and unfortunately my business is not nearly big enough to even consider ordering 20-40 framesets, they also have not responded to an email I sent them 4 days ago)

DengFu: (TT-03, same as Yeoleo T-21 but cheaper) (was told it is out of stock)

HongFu Avenger TM06 is not UCI compliant and as such I have not added it to the list.

Light Carbon: (Rim Brake)

Ive seen a brand here, "Winice Bikes". I am however not sure if they are a reliable and would like to hear the experiences everyone has. Furthermore ICAN cycling was also an option I was going to choose, however since then they seem to have removed their time trial framesets.

Winice Bikes: (FM-086 Rim) (FM-087 Rim)

Not sure if these framesets come in a disc option, will ask them. If anyone finds any of the following framesets sold by anyone in a disc format please post here, will help alot.


@nick2000 How long have you had them for? and have you never had said issues?

Dengfu got back to me at $500/set for their FM128, quite a good offer however im not sure about the quality, heard DengFu and Hongfu tend to have Fork fit/Seatpost fit issues.

I have had knowledge of ICAN, although they seem to have recently stopped selling their track/ time trial framesets along with their disc wheels

Hello everyone! I'm interested in looking for a Track Bike Vendor and ive come across a few, however im not sure if there are. My first choice was DengFu/Hongfu but they seem to ethier be out of stock of the framesets or want me to buy several. So im wondering if anyone happens to know any framesets and ill add them to my list.

Frames Avaliable:

Light Carbon:
Winow Sports:

Also wondering if anyone has any details about the TanTan Cycling brand, as they have a track frameset, however im abit hesitant to buy from them, mostly due to the fact alot of people say they are good, but also really bad, help here would be appreciated.

TanTan Cycling Frame:

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