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Messages - fitnessischeating

Pages: [1]
29er / Re: Ican S3 XC Frame
« on: March 08, 2023, 02:37:20 AM »
Been running mine for a while now and been pretty happy with it, funnily enough, its a bit of a rougher ride in the chunky stuff than my coil shocked enduro bike ;)
But that was the point really, I wanted a different bike that I would take on ground covering rides that weren't that technical, and were a chore on the enduro bike.

As called out, the EX511 rims aren't really in keeping with the spirit of the build, but I am using the spare wheels I had for races/trips etc.
I may build up a more XC set at some point when I have the time and inclination, but I do ride in a very rocky area, and like straying into techy territory, and have rubbish line choice.

The only thing that is annoying me really is the shock doesn't have a remote, and its a pain to lock out without stopping and not getting you hand caught by my feet/cranks....
Its a pain, and really I need to stop, and lock/unlock the shock.
I really didn't think it would bother me, but there you go....
I'lll live with it until a remote lockout kit comes available for the SIDlux

29er / Re: Ican S3 XC Frame
« on: July 04, 2022, 10:04:50 AM »
Well, put my order in for a XL, unpainted....
We will see how long it takes to get to the UK, and how much I get stung on tax....
Also had to order some parts from germany, as there is no UK stock of anything worthwhile at a sensible price....
Its going to have a mix of spares and new bit build....
Rockshox Dulux 165*40
SID ultimates 120mm
GX/XT/XX1 mixed drivetrain
DT 240/EX511 wheels

Hopefully it holds up to the rocks in the peak, compounded by my inelegant line choices.....

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