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Messages - jarkacz

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I have 28mm schwalbe one tubeless and this is max. There is about 2-4mm clearance, depends of pressure.

Ok so, I rode on bike about 1k kilometers (1150km). I dissasembly it 2 times. I didnt noticed cracking carbon of any parts inside or breaking (frame, handlebar, seatpost). BUT It has some paint scratches looks like carbon crack (seat post, seat tube). I check it many times and till now nothing change (good for me) - scratch are on outside side on paint.
The bike is very stiff, i dont feel that frame is flexible. Every parts from my previous bicycle fit well (crank, derailleurs, wheels). The frame is very difficult to mount due to internal cables and hydraulic brakes so have to be patient, have good tools and some skills, but i think its normal - in every type of internal routig frame (not only chinese version)

I bought frame from ali, size 56cm with handlebar 100x400 and glossy white paint, from seller that has shop from 2014 (7 years) and selling frames, handlebars and carbon parts. I bought it for about 750EUR with shipping.
I dont know how it works but when I add frame to basket it shows me 750EUR, but when I would like to pay for it the price changed to 600EUR. Maybe its VAT or some tax returned by law in EU. Next I added xdb shipping costs for EU for 150EUR, so overall 750EUR for frame back to my door.
Shipping lasted 3 weeks.

The package was very well protecded by foil, tape and sponge? in medium box.

Paint job is quite good. I rate it on 3 or 4 on 6 posiible (1-reprehensible, 6 perfect). The main varnish is very good and durable. But has some mistakes visible under the light, some black parts ale slightly smeared on white (thru axle mount), seat tube socket has too much paint (and its not harvested enough) and socket for screw seat tube is smeared on white too. Letters and logos are sharp and centered but I think they are not secured enough by scratching - should be additional transparent protective varnish. Seat tube socket doesnt have cover, so I had to doit by myself.

Frame has mounted perfect bottom bracket, the fork and back part of bike (rear triangle?) Its fits perfect with wheels and crankset. They are on position and central.

Steerer tube and seatpost tube has thick walls, maybe not perfect but strong enough. Seat tube looks like very durable and i think there is one layer with fiber glass (between are some spaces). Seat post has some paint crack looking strange, but when i checked it, it looks like its only paint crack.

With fork I get 2 aluminium overlapping spacers, 1 plastic spacers, 1 down pad with "ceramicspeed" logo (i dont know how its called) and 1 up pad, 3 aluminium upper rudder pads for compression, 2 headset bearings (up and down).
With seatpost I get additional clip for carbon rail of saddle

Handlebar is very good looking, like one piece made with stem, good finishing, with internal mount wire. There is garmin mount too with 2 bolts. Internal cables looks beautifull but mounting it is horrible...
There is a little disadvantage with stem. Mounting area is a little wider than should be, so when I put the handlebar on steerer tube, I had to remove some clearence with the stem bolts (i.e. should be 31.8mm and it is 31.9mm) and then remove clearence on head tube.

I sending some pictures below.
I have no time to respond for every email, im so sorry for that.
But sending pictures is simple so if U want more pictures, send me Ur email, maybe I try send u more :)

if you were wondering what the fasterway from china looks like, here it is:

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