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Messages - trcycling

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Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: September 17, 2024, 03:22:44 PM »
Yes, the jockey wheels. I was able to remove the wheel from the frame, but the bearing inside of the wheel was a closed, cartridge bearing. The bearing was rough, not just the wheel in the frame. Despite being a closed cartridge, I held my grease dispenser right up against the seal and managed to squeeze a tiny bit through the gaps. I could even see some watery/yucky discharge ooze out the other side. After that, it rolled much more smoothly. I can't imagine it's going to hold up very well for long, though. This was only for one wheel, the other seemed to be perfectly fine.

The good news is that jockey wheels are generally pretty interchangeable. You should be able to find a replacement without going back to LTWOO (Half of my bikes have non-OEM jockey wheels anyway because they look cool :-) )

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: GRX 820 or LTWOO eGR?
« on: September 13, 2024, 11:23:12 AM »
the easiest way for shimano to react would be to open the software to the same standard as the chinese approaching it. open di2 two both worlds 11- and 12 speed would be a game changer...

Neither Shimano nor SRAM are going to do that any time soon. Being able to support different 'speeds' is truly trivial. They've probably done it in testing. But it is against their business model. They want to force full upgrades of drivelines. Mechanical systems at least have real differences between the derailleur parts. But electronic shift doesn't have that. It is also why Shimano continues to offer an array of groupset lines below 105 that differentiate themselves partly on the different 'speeds'.

Shimano is showing an interesting turn of late with CUES having some more flexibility and compatibility. But I believe that is strictly driven by a desire to reduce SKUs in their inventory (costs) not consumer flexibility.

This is a big reason I'm hoping LTWOO and Wheeltop (and Sensah maybe) have some success. They are using this flexibility as an entry point even though not that many people will actually need it (I say that knowing that the 11-12s gap is probably widely used like I am with an 11s bike getting eshift that otherwise isn't possible with Big S brands.). I'm not pooping on Big S and the other Big S. I have and like their product. But I don't like their product segmentation and pricing strategies and hope to break a hole.

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: GRX 820 or LTWOO eGR?
« on: September 12, 2024, 04:16:40 PM »
Yeah, I think that's a big failure on LTwoo's part. My ER9 groupsets are working solid and I would probably get an EGR as well, but I definitely wouldn't recommend them to anyone who isn't bike competent. Also it seems 80 Design Store seems like the only seller that's taking personal responsibility for any issues. It's a shame too, because LTwoo whittled away being a viable alternative to the big brands by not offering a clear customer service path. I think reputation wise, they've taken a big hit internationally.

They should take a similar approach to Wheeltop. They could sell direct and say they will handle warranty issues only for groupsets bought from them. They can still have third party sellers who could sell groupsets at a lower cost, but those sellers would be responsible for covering warranty issues.

Good observation and recommendation. I'm rooting for LTWOO here. They clearly have at least a "good enough" first try with the electronic groupsets. And possibly better (verdict still pending IMO). The price/performance point they are hitting blows away the big three (well, sadly 2. something since Campy is a bit of an outlier lately) and will hopefully provide some downward pressure on pricing. But, if they don't get their go-to-market strategy and execution together, it won't help at all.

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: GRX 820 or LTWOO eGR?
« on: September 12, 2024, 01:50:19 PM »
Definitely not making excuses for LTWOO, but did you send it via the retailer or directly?  I've gotten answers to questions from LTWOO but they do insist that support is supposed to go through the retailers.  In today's world, I think that manufacturers should be prepared for direct support along with channel support but that may be one of the issues.

Also on the failure, do I understand correctly that you believe the failure was the circuit board (or connectors) in the battery carrier?

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: GRX 820 or LTWOO eGR?
« on: September 03, 2024, 09:27:33 PM »
I've been happy so far with the eGR I put on my Cutthroat this Spring. But if you can source GRX Di2 or SRAM AXS for similar pricing, go with that. They are a known quantity with local support. But when I last looked, those were still double (or more) the price so it was worth the punt. AND because mine was a retrofit on an 11s system with two existing wheelsets and cassettes, the total upgrade cost would have been substantially more. (Shame on Both 'Big S' companies for not offering configurable 'speeds' with electronic. No excuses, just greedy business to force full upgrades) All the Chinese e-shift vendors have realized there is a market for configurable shift setups.

If the question is mechanical from mainline brand or LTWOO eGR, that's more complicated. Mechanical works. Usually :-)  Shift setup and maintenance in an offroad environment can be a bit fiddly in my experience where electronic is set and forget (except for RD hangers). The biomechanics are also nicer on electronic. I've never ridden an 10s or higher setup that wasn't straight from an adjustment work perfectly. Always a little finesse to get some gears to engage perfectly. Not a big deal, particularly for someone who started riding before indexing. But it does lead to reduced shifting to avoid the hassle. With e-shifting (I have eGR and an AXS setup on two different bikes) it just works, always and I find myself not hesitating to snick one up or down for a moment. But that's me. YMMV. Also, if you have any hand or wrist issues, e-shift is a savior. I had a messed up wrist a while back and could barely work the front derailleur for a while. Wouldn't have been an issue with e-shift. These are decisions you need to make for your taste.

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: September 03, 2024, 09:17:40 PM »
Is anyone has news about two shifters operation of egr ? Very disappointing of this one hand use only.

Agreed. I wrote to LTWOO right after I installed and was told that they were considering adding configuration options in a future update. Unfortunately, no updates yet. I just wrote to them again about the battery status bug with Garmin too and added a PS about this again.

It's a real shame that the system has 4 buttons but you can only use 2. I want to see a configuration option of at least 'SRAM mode' (left side one way, right side the other) but even better would be to allow setting each button as you wish. And bonus points if they'd let buttons invoke ANT+ control of a head unit like Shimano and SRAM do on some models.  If you'd like to add to the pile of requests (please do) write to

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: September 03, 2024, 09:11:03 PM »
Does LTwoo eGR show up in bicycle computers (wahoo for example) like Wheeltop EDS TX ? To see battery level and shift number ?

Yes and no. I have used it on Garmin Edge 1030+ and 1040 and a Karoo 2.  On all the gear setting report seems correct (there is a small latency but that might be normal for all eshift systems). But battery status is an issue on the Garmins. Even when full they throw an alert that battery level is critical. So no useful information there. The Karoo reports a status of full but I don't know if it updates correctly (it is a spare unit I just connected to answer this question)

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: September 03, 2024, 08:57:41 PM »

Not 100% positive, but I think I've seen some people on here get 50t cassettes to work, is that correct? I see this cassette on AliExpress just dropped to $68, it's 12 speed, HG, 11-50t and is under 400g. It's exactly
what I'm looking for, and I'm really tempted to go ahead and get this if it will fit with the eGR.

I am running both a 10-50 and and 11-50 11s Garbaruk cassettes (two wheelsets) with no issue. Used the standard hardware on the standard hanger on a 2019 Cutthroat. Yes a bit of B screw for alignment but not all the way.  On THIS bike, it works so seamlessly I don't understand why they don't claim compatibility with 50t for the win. Perhaps slightly different hanger geometries cause issues. Your mileage (km-age) may differ

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: July 24, 2024, 02:05:50 PM »
It was purchased on March 12th. I'm not sure when in it was made but was from official store so hopefully wasn't old stock, but you never know.

Honestly, that's a little worrying (as a fellow owner purchased in May). I'd thought they might have purged that issue much earlier in the year based on the threads online.

For whatever it might be worth, I've been allowing a hose (not a pressure washer) to hit mine and so far so good. (not likely to rain here until October)

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: July 24, 2024, 09:23:01 AM »
I've been in contact with LTWOO and they believe the electronics are fried from water ingress. Really not great, hoping they have resolved this with newer ones. They are sending a new RD so I cannot complain about the customer service (although it may take a while, as they have to get it from the factory to customer service department first. They don't have them to hand for replacements).

EDIT: LTWOO have now stated this is fixed in newer versions.

Do you know when yours was made (or purchased)?

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: July 18, 2024, 07:34:50 PM »
Has anyone tried the rear egr mech with the erx grifters to see if they pair? I want greater capacity in a 2x system

I have not tried myself, but I saw on some show video recently that LTWOO claims cross-compatibility with all 'e' systems of theirs.  I have had good luck getting response from LTWOO 'sales' email (sales @ ltwoo . com), you might just ask directly

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: July 10, 2024, 08:26:42 PM »
Any one have a chance to try an AXS cassette? AKA an XPLR or 10-36? I’m curious if these can be micro adjusted to shift one well. With a flattop chain and SRAM X Sync chainring.

AFAIK there is no spacing difference on the AXS/XLPLR cassettes should it shouldn't be an issue. I believe there are some tweaks to the sprocket shapes to map to the non-standard chains used there so chain selection might matter.

Keep in mind that the eGR derailleur allows for microtuning for EACH sprocket unlike SRAM. So even if there is an oddity it should be solvable.

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: July 02, 2024, 06:55:00 PM »
Can anyone recommend a good ali 1x crankset that would marry well with the eGR groupset?

Also - I've read in this thread about replacing the calipers with something like the ZRACE XG flat mounts. Is this necessary or will the adaptors that come with it suit a flat mount gravel frame?


The calipers WITH PROVIDED ADAPTERS should fit flat mount. I cannot confirm 100% as I'd been told they'd fit my post mount (they do not). But they look right for flat mount.  It's worth noting that the caliper itself does not and fits no standard I know of (room for things I've missed), but the adapter is provided to make work. 

I have more detail here:

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: July 01, 2024, 06:45:48 PM »
See attached for screws to check.

Thank you!

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: July 01, 2024, 01:34:16 PM »
...I would suggest checking the 3 T10 screws that face towards the floor. During my setup one fell to the floor. I added some blue thread locker and snugged all three. Unsure of a torque spec but the seems like they would strip threads easy so take it easy if you do this.

Andrew, can you clarify which screws you're referring to? (picture maybe?)

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