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Messages - Sincman

Pages: [1]
Many thanks yes that sorted it.

I also find the rear derailleur charger cover doesn't stay in place is there a secret way of getting it to work or should I just use a bit of electrical tape?

Glad you got your derailleur working.
As for the cover, its just a matter of pushing one side/edge in and then holding that in with one hand/finger and using cross pressure with another finger or other hand to slightly bend the cover while pressing the opposite side down in place. Once in it does seem to stay.

Yes, been there.
Go to initial calibration under equipment debugging and manually move the front and rear derailleurs to the positions shown under debugging shifting. Then exit and proceed with fine tuning. I learned to always shift to the large ring in front and the smallest cog in the rear before going back to initial calibration or it calibrates to your current gear position and messes everything up.

I received a response from Wheeltop regarding the reverse gear display.

"Regarding the issue you described where the gears are shown in reverse on the display, please note that our gear display has always defined gear positions in a reverse manner. This is a known behavior and does not affect the normal functionality of the gear display or your cycling experience."

It would seem that this is by design. It may not "affect [sic] normal functionality" but is confusing since it is not intuitive as the size vertical bar doesn't represent the gear size.  It also breaks from the convention used by the other major manufacturers of electronic groupsets. 

Can only hope they see the error in their ways and release another update.

"Wheeltop pushed an update for the app and firmware updates for all the group components.  I ended up starting over with the initial calibration and went one by one readjusting each cog.  I was able to eliminate issues 1 and 3. All the gears shift up and down without issue.  Racing mode now works.  Time will tell if issue 2 continues or not.  I’ll be putting quite a bit of training miles on it tomorrow." 

I applied the firmware update for the ANT+ cycling computer gear display. I'm using a Stages DASH L50.  It now shows front and rear gear position. However the gears are shown in reverse. When in the large front chain ring, the display shows it to be in the small ring. Same issue in the rear. When I'm in 1st gear, smallest cog, the display shows the chain in gear 12, the largest cog.

I'm not sure how to correct this. Has anyone else encountered this quirk or have thoughts on making adjustments to show the proper gear?

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