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Messages - jac2689

Pages: [1]
You did see all the previous issues people have with this groupset? Are you really sure you wanna gamble on it? Especially, given you are new to ordering from China/AliExpress.

Yup, I've given the whole thread a read.
If I can find a good deal and some knowledgeable folk offer some good advice to queries, it'll worth my effort to try it.

If not, I might stick to the mainstream.

Howdy all,

I'm new to Chinertown and new to ordering from AliExpress/Alibaba in general.

I'm building up a frameset and think I'd like to use ER9/X but unsure of which sellers/distributors to buy from? Any recommendations?

I'm also struggling to match the prices others have shown on this thread for the parts. Any tips on getting good value?

And one other final question. If I buy the set without cassette/chainrings/rotors can I use pretty much any alternative brand? Is this the way to go to save some weight or am I best just buying the whole lot with the ER9.

Thanks for the help for this rookie!

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