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Topics - Takiyaki

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I want to build something more "fun" and casual for around town stuff and I think I'm gonna do a cheap gravel build with flat bars and wide but slick tires. Would love to see what frames and group sets people are running (and what kind of weights people are ending up at).

Anyone running these with Shimano derailleurs? Is that thumb shifter comfortable? How do they hold up over time? And how much do the shifters weigh? I feel like these shifters + Shimano derailleurs are a cheap weight-weenieish setup.

Basically something with a round seatpost and ~900/350g frame/fork weight. I'm not super crazy about the Aethos style frames... would def prefer something with a more horizontal top tube like a traditional modern climbing bike

I'm kind of feeling TanTan's R5 ripoff... some folks here built a few (FM6x9)

I like my Dengfu FM208; would love to do an R02 or R12 disc build but they seem to have disappeared. Just wondering what else is out there; seems all the focus is either on aero or Aethos.

There are a lot of open mold frames that... let's say "draw inspiration".... from big brand frames. The most obvious one is the SL7 and it's probably worth keeping a list of those with all their subtle differences, but I wanted to reference some others I've found and keep a thread going.

Inspiration: Canyon Endurace

Open mold versions: Velobuild VB-R-066/OG EVKIN CF-025

Notes: Velobuild available in rim or disc brake config. I think the Velobuild version is a good bit lighter than OG EVKIN's.

Inspiration: Cervelo R5

Open mold version: Tantan FM6x9 (609, 619, 629, 639)

Notes: the geometry is EXACTLY the same lmao. Also available in rim & disc versions as well as half vs fully internal cabling (I wanna say 639 = fully integrated).

I know the TT-X38 is "inspired by" the newest Scott Foil but I'm too lazy to dig all those photos up. But you get the gist. If I had the time I'd start a website to capture all this open mold data. Finding info is a real pain in the ass

I like Tantan's fake S5 frame but I'm not sure whether to get the road version or the gravel version. I ride all road and am a recovering weight weenie so the FM6x9 appeals there. But I wouldn't mind running 30-32c tires and the higher stack/shorter reach of the GR029 has appeal. The frames look insanely similar built up as well:

I think the GR029 is about 300g heavier than the FM6x9. Again I ride all road and the roads here are pretty smooth. Looking to get wide gravel wheels that will make 28s bigger/softer as well. Is the clearance for the extra 2-4mm worth it for me?

I don't like proprietary seatposts or racy geometry but there don't seem to be too many options like that in the road space. Only ones I can think of off hand are the Velobuild 066 and Elves Eglath

I also don't need 50mm+ tire clearance as I don't plan on riding gravel/off road. Just want a comfy road bike. I saw the Airwolf YFR068, the artist formerly known as the CFR505 etc. Basically looking for a frame with ~40mm clearance and more stack than effective top tube (somewhere around 550 x 535, no longer than 540 ETT)

What is out there?

E-Bike Frames & Builds / Road e-bikes like Specialized Creo etc?
« on: November 10, 2023, 08:13:36 PM »
I'm interested in an e-bike with the look and geometry of a road bike. Any ideas?

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Chinese e-road bike options?
« on: November 10, 2023, 08:46:08 AM »
I know there are boatloads of e-delivery style bikes but I was wondering if there are Chinese equivalents to something like a Specialized Creo etc. I know they aren't the sexiest things but there are so many damn hills around here.

Which Chinese mechanical hydraulic groupset has the lightest shifters + derailleurs?

And is there any difference or issues with reliability/durability between Sensah/L-TWOO?

How much lighter are they than R7000?

Doing a road build and trying to strike a good balance between weight and cost.

Looking around it seems like some mainstream brands have got pretty aggressive with pricing, almost to the point that they're comparable with open mold builds. I feel like a mid grade open mold build (i.e. not the dirt cheapest parts, but not top tier brands either) is about $2000-2500. Seems like there are a few carbon 105 disc bikes from brands like Giant for that much

Obviously the mainstream stuff isn't as custom.... for example I would pay a little bit extra for 38cm bars and lighter wheels..... but then you do get a higher level of customer service and warranty over the whole bike

Has the shift in prices swayed anyone at all?

I know about the Elves Eglath, VB-R-066 and Yishun R-1018D (but not where I can buy one  >:( ). Are there any others? Basically looking for something with a ~535 equivalent top tube and a ~550 stack.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Can we have a gallery thread?
« on: August 27, 2023, 07:46:51 PM »
Would love a thread where people just have 1-2 pictures of their bikes with the following specs:

Size (people always seem to forget this)
Wheels + tires (with wheel width + tire size to judge clearance)
Link to full build/details

No comments! Would be nice to just see what is out there

Would also be cool to have 1 thread with all the current brands and models available with links and a brief description (i.e. Elves Falath Pro- rim/disc brake aero frame, $1000USD)

Info is just a little too decentralized IMO

I think I have narrowed my next build down to these two frames. I'm not a powerhouse but I am heavier (hoping to get down to 80kg). Roads around here aren't too bad; I plan to run either bike on 30c tires and wide wheels (though I'm OK with dropping to 28c if clearance is an issue).

Pat from what I remember you said the Velobuild was a little flexy while the Dengfu was a little stiff. This will also be my first disc build (I would like to go hydraulic). So based on comfort and ease of assembly which way would you go? I am kind of partial to the Dengfu as I like my Dengfu FM208 rim brake build and the general look of the R12.

I am looking at the AR56s (56x30, ~$650) or the WR50s (50x32, ~$850) for a road disc build with 30mm tires. Trying to stay within the 105% rule to max out the aero benefit and find something 32mm wide and ~55-60mm deep closer to $600. I have seen a bunch of 32mm wide gravel wheelsets but they only go to ~45mm deep. Just trying to see if anyone knows of something 55-60mm deep and 32mm wide for $600-700 or so.

I don't want to buy a fake SL6, and I don't want to deal with proprietary aero seat posts. What frames are out there? Seems like all the new stuff has done away with round seat tubes.

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