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Topics - Tharghan

Pages: [1]
Hello after 15 years I am back to building my next bike ... "Highest Quality Chinese Carbon" was never a reality then(many things have changed).

From what I see Iplay have a good reputation in quality/control and customer service.

The IP-057 seems to have many successful builds so far from what I have been able to read.  I believe this is a $350usd+ frame.

When we look at this range of frames what do we see?  lighter/new models (IP-256 = sub20/21lbs. bike builds) to older heavier production builds and designs (IP-029 - 20+lbs bike builds)?

From a quick review it seems we go to lighter/replaceable dropouts/fully internal routing versions/wider rear axe. 
I have heard of IP-256 frame breaks and this is lightest frame produced by them so far if I am correct. However IP-057 has reported back 8000KM+ with no issues from many buyers.

Can someone shed some light on any other spec differences?  Headtubes/BBs/seatpost/tube length ratios?


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