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I'm using these batteries and no issues with it for the past 7 months.
well, usually battery status uses the voltage of the battery, if the voltage after charging is higher than the normal parameters it may show you 100 % for a longer time, 0.1 Volts above can make a difference.
wich battery to chose? as Ltwoo is not effentient when changing gears, so current which is drawn by the system can overreach some of the battery parameters.
High C-Rate batteries are the ones you are looking for, as they keep the voltage stable and higher for a longer time if.
Usually good e-vape cells should do the trick..
Sometimes it is also necessary to check voltage directly after completed charging cycles, i have seen some major offsets regarding charged batteries, which basically indicates a bad charger hard- or software, but i do not want to complain again..

I understand that you had a bad experience, and yes, there's risk here, to be sure. But there's also a *lot* of information in the last year, adjustments to the product, and a much more stable series of reports about performance after the initial batch.

I'm not defending it, I'm just saying that it's not as black and white as you and the german retailer here is making it seem. A *lot* of folks have had great experiences with it. We're on a forum for trying cheap alternatives to western products and all the tinkering and nuance that comes with that - this is that, to me. There's no comparison of a 105 mech set against the eRX as they have different functions and features and any western electric gruppo is going to be out of range for some folks that are interested in the value that this gruppo can offer.. If someone is interested in trying this product out, it's okay for them to take the full scope of anecdotes available, including yours and including mine.

Well, i just inform about the problems we have with the factory regarding customer service and the way they treat problems. sorry to say it is black for i do not make anything "seem" to be...

When I put together my build, I got er9 for 460 EUR and combined it with a used crankset and a lightweight Aliexpress cassette & chain. 105 Di2 actually gets more expensive when you buy individual parts and not a full groupset. But I simply didn't need a complete groupset as I had various parts lying around. The cheapest offerings to put together a 105 Di2 mini groupset was something like 650-700 EUR IIRC. To me at the time, that was enough to go the cheaper route. Knowing what I know today, I'd probably get a Sram Mini gruppo which sometimes can be had for around 650ish EUR and be done with cables entirely. My wheels don't have an XD freehub but Sram should work just fine with regular cassettes/chains and chainrings as well. No definite need for flattop chains and 10tooth cog cassettes, I think.
Wheeltop seems interesting as well but I don't see the point when it's basically (almost) as expensive as Western brands.

well, it will only effect the market if the prices of the chinese go down for us, or if they are able to get any well known brands oem them stuff for them in their entry levels...this would immediately hurt the big ones and they would lower their surely healthy margins.
But currently i do not see any of the chinese in this position. Maybe ltwoo will take a big step and do all the legal work, liczens etc but they still have the problem with their flatmount oem would probably need to buy it without the brakes ( i have asked for a smaller gravel project , but ltwoo told me, only with brrakes) But oems have been watching the whole story and are disappointed as we are..

Yep, that's me. Writing " a couple of folks talking about a couple of instances" is a gross misrepresentation. Also known as horse shit. It's far, far more than that.
Now as a contrarian, I will keep trying to ride these er9 into the ground because I want competition in the space. What Shimano and SRAM charge for their groups simply is intellectually insulting when you start to understand unit economics. And I have zero respect for patent trolling.
But users be warned: these er9 are not to be used by those who don't want to tinker.
Anaerobic session coming up, uphill, on my er9 :)
Well, this is the reason why we started to work with ltwoo, we saw a chance to cut off a pieces of shimano and sram...we, as a listed dealership, buy shimano and sram parts at a higher pricepoint than normal customer do at onlineshops.
As we spoke with ltwoo, explained the european market and what is needed to sell legally and what needs to be done quality wise and that customer service is essential IF the product fails...
Well, all this was promised....
we also pointed out, why a legal seller who copes with local tax and duties and far most important, getting customer service handled, if aliexpress comes into play. business is done for any normal distributor or seller..
due to the missing certificates, licenses it is illegal to sell this groupsets as they come, we would have had to invest loads of money to make the product legal (not legal concorning patents), ce certificate, ANt+, bluetooth....all this is not existant for aliexpress sellers, they just sell and do not have to fear shimano lawers.
Due to the quality issues, quantities stuck...we did not want to order the faulty groupsets anymore until new reliable versions are available...ltwoo just went to easy path and jumped onto aliexpress...boom...all the faulty groupsets found customers..
Even the known quality issues are not handled fast and easy, which would be necessary to get back minimum trust in the brand...they want to see videos, pictures  its the old chinese we make it as hard as possible story....
I understand people are on a budget, if they are, it is essential to make an invest in reliable products , so a good di2 105 may is more expensive, but at the end, cheaper because no down time, no hassle ...

hope your anaerobic season was nice....i just had a swim this morning and will have aerobic run this evening!

You're a brave man, i applaud that.
on price matching, the lower prices are usually because people buy during a "sale" on aliX. Also depends on the region you're in. For example, if in EU, you see prices incl. VAT. Not the case in the UK. Shipping depends on region too. Those who live in Australia pay less in shipping. Long story short, it's complicated. There's a guy selling er9 on the forum btw, his user name is very long and has plates in it i think.
everything kind of works with everything. er9 doesnt sell rotors, cranks, cassette, chain, anyway. i have an ultralight steel & alu cassette, chinese, i m very happy with it, but you ll find people here saying it's shit. as long as it's calibrated properly, it works great, on my setup anyway.
there's a number of youtubers saying that expensive rotors dont brake any better than cheaper ones, so you may want to save your money there. It also depends on the riding you do, and your weight.

yes thats me...i have still one set on stock, oem, with box, not touched..
happy to receive offers for it or it will end up on my new zwiftsetup :-)
this will be a private sale...for the brave...

I'm here to report back on the issue. I never heard back directly from Ltwoo sadly. On the other hand 80 designers on Ali, albeit incredibly slow, finally sent out the replacement RD today (6/25) after 3 weeks of back and forth and two separate videos showing the RD is indeed broken. On top of that I have to pay for shipping (USD $15+tax, which should not be taxed by law but anyway).

I have to say I enjoyed the group set, when it was working. Maybe the downshifting in the rear isn't as crispy but it still worked very well (and maybe because I have a 11-34 there). And the weight and price point are incredible comparing to 105 di2. However this whole ordeal left a very sour taste. First of all, how on earth would the RD break itself simply by going through an uneven patch of pavement less than 10-12 ft long? There's something very wrong about the engineering/material here. And then there is the customer service, or lack thereof. Ltwoo never directly responded to my email. And I really don't understand why it took them a whole 20 days since they first received the video to agree and send out a replacement. Ltwoo should be ashamed of themselves for doing business this way.

i really was going to order another set for my other bike's upgrade right before this happened. But I'm holding out now until I see how Wheeltop/Magene handle their QA/QC and customer service, though to be honest I don't have high hope there either. Or maybe this is the universe telling me to stop effing around and just stick to the mechanical 105 for now.

Man, i am sorry to hear this...i was hoping ltwoo will change....the problem is, that their factory is massivly overloaded with domestic orders, lower quality groupsets, as chinese bikecyclemarket is increasing in the lower budget they do not see any need to change their behviour with the relatively small market they have with electronic groupsets....the aliexpress guys have to loose a little more, thats why they invest hard work to help customers....but are helpless because ltwoo ignores them the end, they will cover the parts on their costs, but it is a loss for them,surely...i have still questions pending with ltwoo factory, my sales person keeps asking me, what is the problem, i keep telling him, just read the messages above..and he ignores me again? i have seen many chinese companies in the past 25 years i do business with china, this is one of the worst, sorry to say......

Basically what I want doesn’t exist or barely exists but is super expensive from a western brand. I want a Boost, flat mount, gravel fork with a ~400 A2C measurement, and clearance for 2.4” tire for a custom Ti frame I’m designing. There is the Curve Seek fork with 430mm A2C and the Bearclaw Ramhorn Boost fork with 41mm A2C, but both are over $600 USD. Does anyone know of a manufacturer who works with clients to design a custom carbon fork? Or perhaps knows who makes the Bearclaw or Curve forks? Thanks.
well, i would contact all the factories and distributors..maybe you will find one...they currently struggle with quantities. better time to ask would be winter, as currenlty is kind of "high" season.
it will be expensive anyway, the hard thing is to make them believe you are a bigger company and would like to prototype something and higher quantities will come later, but it will still be expensive.
Or tell them, they can use it as an open mould for their own bikes?

Vendor Discussion & Reviews / Re: Chinese Carbon Vendor List
« on: June 24, 2024, 11:43:16 PM »
Hi everybody,

I was investigating some frame geometry on the market and I relized that the same frame is sold on different website or by different aliexpress vendors.
For example:

have the same geometry

according to the way of business tan tna does, it seems like a factory, mainly focused on domestic business. i have bought couple of frames 7 years ago, good quality but almost no way to communicate in english...very limited..the products did not have any flaws..
maybe this helps..
I think Tan tan is the main producer while AirWolf is just a reseller. Do you agree?
Thanks for the help

so you matched the prices but as you dropped LTWOO from your website no one can find this nice deals online?
or am i just too blind to find them?
Well, we have discontinued the product ER9 and other electonic Groupsets due to bad quality, missing customer service and missing legal certificates for the electronic parts!
we only stock grt systems which are also on sale.
I just mentioned the fact, that we sold them for good prices and aliexpress is not the holy grail :-)
we still have two er9 which do not show online, and these are genuine and untouched and come in original boxes...if you are really intersted, make an offer/contact us via email...

wow, finally the "official" LTWOO store ships to Germany so we can benefit from the lower prices too.
Well, we have matched all the aliexpress prices on the ltwoo products and are directly in Germany..
Now, as we have dropped the brand they seem to sell directly..
It also helps not getting in trouble, as the electronic products may get inspected by patent lawers soon?
Who knows...
But at the end it does not make to product more reliable and if they really start selling via aliexpress directly as the manufacturer they do destroy loads of possibilities for the future, as the market does not forget this behaviour...

Man, i wish you all the best and hope the group continous to perform...thats how it should be....!

Ltwoo has a website with fairly good listing of documentation. You can find the manual for the eR9/eRX series, and it's actually a pretty good manual. It clearly states that you can do fine tuning of individual gears through button presses on the groupset and brifters. Please go check that out to see the procedure. However, I don't see anything about being able to switch from 12speed to 11 or 10speed via buttons, so I think that functionality may be only available through the app.

How did you arrive at this answer? As far as I can see, the app is not mandatory (except to switch from 12 speed to some other speed cassette).

Exactly my thoughts. Except it doesn't even appear to be necessary to worry about long term app functionality, as you may only *really* need it to re-purpose the groupset onto other bikes and maximize your use of it long term. If you simply install it on a bike and keep it on that bike, you probably won't need the app 10 years from now as long as you keep it on the same bike.

Well, i have asked which functions can be set via buttons and i did not receive an answer, yet...but it has only be 8 month...i think i will have to

As far as matching functionality to Di2, not even Shimano lets you swap the number of gears or even let you microadjust through an app so it's already a false comparison. If Ltwoo goes out of business tomorrow and their app ceases to exist, then you'd still have an electronic derailleur with as much functionality as a Shimano Di2 derailleur, right?

Thanks that answer question n2 - but I kinda knew it already about Ltwoo support

Does anyone that actually owns an erX or Er9 groupset have experience about the first question, i.e. indexing without the need of using the app but relying on physical buttons only?
as far as my questions have been answered, app is mandatory.

Hi all, I'm considering purchasing either the Erx or the Er9 from ltwoo for a new build, but there are few points on which I'd like to ask about your experience:

1) indexing of the gear: from what I can read on the forum and bits and pieces of information from Ltwoo on AliExpress (I could not find a comprehensive description of the groupset) the indexing is done via the partner app. Is there a way to use and index the group without the need to install any app?
Can you press a combination of buttons on the levers that will put the group into a "indexing mode" where you can go through each cogs and do micro adjustments just by clicking on the buttons and then memorizing that specific configuration or the app is the only way to go? (Opposite to what is possible with Shimano ).
My concern is that if in the near future the app becomes unusable (lack of support, new OS version of iOS or Android that do not supper and old app) I will be be left with an electronic for upset that I cannot index anymore

2) poor support from Ltwoo and availability of spare parts: I currently have two ltwoo groupset and I'm very happy with them (GRT and R9) but I recently broke the right shifters. When contacting Ltwoo official store or ltwoo factory store on Ali they are very very slow at replying and the only answer I got is that the R9 is out of production so they are unsure if they can sell me the single shifter and I should buy both (that apparently cost more than the full groupset). My concern is the following: mechanical groupset from ltwoo are fairly cheap, but if the same issue happen with the Erx or Er9 I wouldn't want to be payong an electronic groupset twice.

i have noticed very few mechanicals defects on non electronic groupsets...but they are there...i have plenty of broken shifters after a years or so....then trouble starts: getting proper spares....we have given up on asking ltwoo for that..which ends up in big trouble for our customers, as they need to get the new part themselve somehow..there is no proper spare part infrastructure and communication..that is the major downside on this brand.....they like to sell, but they ignore any problems which occur and fail to help..they just do not care...even domestic sellers report that behaviour..
with electronic groupsets, its worse...because the groups are not as cheap to trash them...
So if you are willilng to have backup bikes or backup groupsets which help reducing downtimes and if you are willing to live with all the compromises....go for it..

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