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Messages - jonathanf2

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These IIIPRO brakes seem copies of Juin Tech F1s at less than half the cost or am I missing something. From the photos, the finishing looks better on Juin Tech's listing though.

Juin Tech F1 for reference :

I just recently started seeing PRO branded gear on AliExpress. They do look a lot like Juin Tech calipers, but with a barrel adjuster built-in similar to the ZRace BR-005. Also I just found these Tanke branded calipers. I'm not sure if they're new. They look similar to the PRO calipers, but the machining is different. I thought they were rebranded BR-005 calipers, but I don't think they are the same:

There seems to be new stuff dropping on AliExpress on a monthly basis! Lol

Have you tried posting a review on AliExpress regarding the Elite Wheels wheelset you purchased and also on their seller feedback section? That would probably be useful as well.

Even though I own both Elite Wheels and Superteam wheelsets, I've purchased them via Amazon and/or Ebay, which I tend to think have better buyer protection. My biggest purchase was on Ali has been a bike carbon frame. Even though the box arrived battered, thankfully the seller packed my frame extremely well, secured with abundant bubble wrap.

Also with that said I have some elite wheels coming. So we will see.  I hope they make it in one piece. ok 2 pieces.

And to be fair trace velo reviews are at least some what informative. And can give you some idea what to expect with these bike parts. like I got some chinaplay pedals and sensah 2x11 group set. And he got me interested with getting a china bike.

The good thing about Trace Velo is that he shows some of the obscure stuff on AliExpress that no mainstream bike reviewers would even touch. For example I had no clue heat shrink shift/brake cable ends even existed, but on his latest bike build he used them. I ended putting those on all my bikes! Also I find his bike building skills average at best, so I find it amusing he mentions similar build issues I've had to deal with and I end up finding solutions on stuff he's stumped on.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: ZRace Disc Brakes
« on: November 03, 2022, 12:36:20 PM »
I ended up ordering the rebranded ONIRII BR-005 calipers. ONIRII has a sale right now with 12 day guaranteed shipping the US. For the price, it was too good to pass up, plus I need them for a 1x road bike build I'm working on!

Sub 400 for the frame is impressive. Ali shows me 470 + shipping right now, did you negotiate or you were just seeing a lower price at the time? (Ali also changes offers & prices per geography).

I forgot to mention the included shipping and tax, so it was about $500 USD, plus I ordered a spared derailleur hanger which I highly recommend. I've had no problems with the hanger, but it's mounted with 1 bolt and I've heard other owners complain regarding it's durability (in case your bike falls). Also I would ask if you could swap the seat post with one that uses a different saddle mount. The stock hardware uses a round-style clamp head which needs different hardware depending on the saddle rail shape (oval or round). I opted for an oval saddle clamp, but even with carbon paste applied it kept slipping. So I had to wrap my saddle rails with gaffer tape to keep them from slipping.

This particular TFSA store (I guess there are multiple) has it, but you can look around:

Though I've seen the same frame sold lower elsewhere, I would look around at different vendors, read feedback and see how well they communicate.

It looks awesome, love the paintjob. TFSA honestly makes beautiful frames and beautiful paint jobs. A little bit like delihea.
I just wish they also produced endurance frames. I would certainly buy one. Their current catalog, even on gravel (their gravel has exactly the same geometry as the Pinarelly grevil), is just too racey for my long legs / small torso combo.

I believe TFSA is the OEM of Delihea. Delihea just rebrands the frames. I built out a TFSA frame a little over a month ago and it's been running great. I did a post about my build:,3882.0.html

can I ask why you run these over latex tubes, given you pump up every ride, as latex has lower rolling resistance. is it weight? I'm thinking of buying a couple to carry as a puncture kit because they re so tiny, but i've been very pleased with latex. My stats show i'm faster with GP500 + latex, all else equal.

I still pump my tubeless tires before every ride as well. Also I focus mainly on climbing, so I'm more concerned about weight. Also as a spare, you can pack 2 TPU tubes and they still weigh less than butyl or latex tubes.

Looks intersting
do you have any experience with the tubolito or ride now tubes?
how do they perform against puncture?
do they hold pressure well ?
i've read mixed feedback on various forum so i havent pulled the trigger yet....

I'm running 25c tires with the RideNow TPU tubes and pump them up to around 90-100 psi. They hold air far better than latex tubes, though I still pump them before every ride just to have optimal pressure. Puncture resistance has been quite good so far. I even had a sidewall tire cut and you could see the tube inside the tire, but no puncture. I don't have any experience with Tubolitos.

Honestly I was planning to go all tubeless since I'm already tubeless on my gravel bike, but these RideNow TPU tubes have a significant weight advantage with lightweight clincher tires. I also feel the ride quality is quite decent.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience. Sounds like a shipping problem that neither Elite Wheels or AliExpress wanted to take responsibility for. AliExpress does recommend you video record the opening of the box first and foremost when receiving an expensive item. I do that for anything that cost more than $100 bucks fro Ali.

I do own 2 sets of Elite Wheels and they are quite solid. I even use 1 wheelset on my gravel bike, riding very rough trails and they hold up just fine despite not being gravel specific.

I just found these on Ali:

Updated the link with better pricing:

The claimed weight is 38g, which is a tad more than RideNow TPU tubes. From the looks of it, the Cyclami TPU tubes utilize what appears to be a threaded alloy valve stem which should be more durable. RideNow TPU tubes utilize plastic valve stems and I've had issues with air leakage (I received a replacement). Anyways good to see more options coming out of AliExpress.

If they perform as well as the RideNow tubes, these should be quite good. Sometimes I feel more cutting edge than my cycling buddies who have no clue there's a whole other world of cycling options available!  :D

I've found all the Risk components to be of good quality, Ive not tried the cables tho

Yeah same here, all the Risk components I'm using are very good including the cables and titanium bolts they sell. I just ordered the brake cable kit. I'll report back once I receive them and have the time to install them. I'll see if they're a viable alternative to Jagwire compressionless.


I found this on AliEx. I'm curious if anyone has tried it? Is it similar to Jagwire wireless compressionless brake cable housing? I've used Risk standard cable shift/brake cable kits and find their products close to Jagwire quality for a much lower price. I'm definitely curious to try more of their stuff.

Thanks for any feedback!

Component Deals & Selection / Re: ZRace Disc Brakes
« on: October 19, 2022, 05:01:07 PM »
The Z-Race calipers require a hex key to readjust the pads.
But the advantage is, it is more compact. In my Titan Gravel frame the Juintech F-1 adjustment knobs touch the frame...

For me the Juintech F-1 is a step above the Z-Race BR-005, but with alternative pads the BR-005 comes close.


I'll be curious how the new Z-Race calipers perform with compressionless housing. Price-wise that would put it close to Juin-Tech calipers, though with the possibility of better brake feel/handling.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: ZRace Disc Brakes
« on: October 19, 2022, 12:28:01 PM »
So yesterday the BR-05 brakes arrived and they look like indeed a step up from the old ones. The "lever" is longer, so i guess there is more force on the cilinder. Another great thing is the construction and setup is different which make for a better fitting of the calliper in my small size 52 rear triangle. I was fearing the slightly bigger new calliper would not fit, since the ZTTo once only barely fit, but the lever of the new calliper falls on the inside of the frame so the small angle of the rear triangle is no longer a problem.

I only tried the brakes on my driveway and the front one already seems a lot better than the ZTTO one...

I managed to f*ck up the rear brake by contaminating it with oil so I can't comment on that one. I was trying to get some (...a lot) of oil in the cable housing of the rear brake because the movement between cable and housing seemed rough and I guess it must have gotten on the calliper and pads... Turns out my rear brake cable was also worn where it enters the frame in the front, so I immediately ordered a compression-less Jagwire brake-cable set (the old was not compression-less) I am going to install in the next days. I will keep you updated...

Would you say these new Z-Race brakes to be a viable option versus the Juin Tech calipers? I also have another question, is a hex wrench required to adjust pad spacing? The one thing I like about the Juin Tech calipers is they utilize a screw knob to adjust the pads. It's really handy to adjust Juin Tech brakes while on the road to fix any minor rotor rub.

I'm thinking about it  :) but I also want a Seka Exceed.  As much as I like having a gravel bike around, I don't really ride much gravel and it just becomes a fat tire road bike.

It was built up with a Rival 1x groupset with an 11-50 cassette so we're likely not far off in weight, what size is yours?
Here's a quick shot of the frame!
If anyone is looking for an alloy gravel frame, let me know  :D

Mine is a small (52cm). I keep a gravel bike around because I ride some off-road trails, but I don't feel the need for a MTB. Here's mine built up with GRX 400/600 10/11 speed components + 105 RD.

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