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Messages - Patrick C.

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 20
29er / Re: new 256 in Tahiti
« on: June 22, 2015, 12:50:15 PM »
OK, now make with the pictures of mountain biking in Tahiti.  I expect you to put all of us other posters to shame. :)

29er / Re: CarbonSpeed CS-MB01 Frame
« on: June 16, 2015, 09:27:23 PM »
You plan to just swap the parts, or have two hardtail chiners?

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Headtube recomendations
« on: June 09, 2015, 11:10:11 AM »
Do you mean headset?  I don't want to try and swap out the head tube :) 

I have the Neco headset in my -057, and it works fine.  The steer tube is aluminum so I could have used the star nut, but I used the expanding plug that came with the Neco.

Correct, -057 from Peter. 

After The Ride / Re: Won't be riding for a while.
« on: May 28, 2015, 08:04:25 PM »
Hope you heal quickly!

So do you set off the metal detectors now? :)

29er / Re: Carbon Rims - Hookless or not when tubeless?
« on: May 28, 2015, 02:01:57 PM »
+1 for hookless.  I also have the 30 mm external width hookless rims.  No problems getting Schwalbe RoRos or Continental X-Kings to seat and hold air.  I agree that a compressor is required for initially seating a new tire, but you really can seat them with a floor pump once the tires are "in shape".

After The Ride / Re: Question for UK riders- trail suggestions
« on: May 26, 2015, 09:18:09 AM »
My daughter calls it the banana seat- she's not old enough to know what a real banana seat is :)

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Isogrid TUBES
« on: May 26, 2015, 09:15:18 AM »
I also agree that the open grid would cause problems in the real world- getting caked with mud, or getting rocks and sticks stuck inside it.  Interesting idea to take away what isn't needed, but I don't see the benefit unless this is a lot cheaper and faster than the molded frames, other than easier custom sizes if you can cut the tubes to length (might not be possible). 

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Isogrid TUBES
« on: May 26, 2015, 09:10:04 AM »
The mtb frame weighs about the same as a -057 frame, or more than a -256.  They need to go back to the drawing board.

After The Ride / Re: Question for UK riders- trail suggestions
« on: May 23, 2015, 04:59:26 PM »
Yeah, when I ordered the saddle I thought it might come out looking a bit like McDonalds colors, but I didn't really want black. I thought more red would be too much, but so far I've kept the yellow for shock value more than anything else. It's an Origin8 off Amazon. It fits me pretty well, is cheap and relatively light, and comes in pretty and not so pretty colors. Maybe white?:)

After The Ride / Re: Fat Tire!
« on: May 23, 2015, 02:47:46 PM »
Nice!  That probably shaves 10 minutes off your grass cutting time :)

Actually Oolak that's nowhere near me- I was over there for work, and took the bike along for a weekend getaway.  I agree, the views are stunning!

After The Ride / Re: Question for UK riders- trail suggestions
« on: May 23, 2015, 02:29:17 PM »
I got back yesterday from the UK- had a couple of good rides last Saturday in the Lake District, plus a few rides around Blackpool, mostly on the Promenade.  It was very windy by the sea in Blackpool most days- 29" front wheels make a pretty good sail in a 25 mph crosswind.  Here's a couple of pictures in Blackpool on a less windy day-

In the Lakes District, I rode on some of the Bridleways (horse trails) and footpaths in the fells (hills/mountains) above Grasmere.  I'd scoped out a few ride routes on the internet, but the path I wound up taking wasn't really good for riding.  I think I did as much pushing and carrying as actual riding, especially on the footpath.  This is the bridleway heading up from the A591 to the saddle between Seat Sandal and Fairfield Peak.  I had planned to ride over and down to Grisdale Tarn (a lake) on the other side and beyond, but once I got to the top I just came back down.  The views were great- It was still a good ride, but I think with a more rideable route I would have really loved it. 

Looking back toward Grasmere, about 2/3 of the way up-

Nice ledge to stop and rest-

More views near the saddle-

It's a bit rocky-

One thing that surprised me were the swamps on top of mountain- the grass and other vegetation really holds water.  I assume it turns in to peat eventually-  In one spot my front wheel sank in up to the hub, but after I jumped off and pulled it out there was no rut- the bog just closed back up. 

Next I went to the Grizedale Forest mtb trails.  The 'North Face' trail is single track cut through the forest, and is very similar to trails around here.  I didn't get any good pics, but here are some borrowed ones to give you an idea.  There are several very long boardwalks over the bogs, and just about everywhere else is rocky.  Lots of fun, but a much different ride than in the open trails across the fells.

I'm not in a hurry to go back to the UK for two weeks for work, but if I do I'll try to take the bike again.

Very different from Arizona- Lakes District in England, looking down on Grasmere.

Are previous winners allowed to enter?  I don't want everyone here to hate me :)

Absolutely. It's all luck of the draw. If you win everyone will definitely hate you, though ;D

I gotta admit.. I'm kinda pulling for vipassana since he was literally millimeters from winning last time, lol.

OK, Enter :)

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