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Messages - carbonazza

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Thank you for the answer, that looks good.
By curiosity, I checked

40g less than the Karoo !!  ::)
35h(wow!) battery life for a bright enough screen.
And a great price.

More questions...
Doesn't seem to have Komoot integration. Right ?
Did you try it off-road, how's the quality of available tracks ? Karoo has them all in general.

I will sit tight, awaiting for the Karoo 3 specs, and see if I stay loyal or jump on the dark side of the bike computers  8)

29er / Re: New xc build 100mm
« on: August 13, 2023, 01:28:05 PM »
Are you located in Europe?
There are some transporters you can ask the seller that can help for a smooth shipping.
Just ask, they know.

I'm a fan of Carbonda for their quality and service, look for the model FM1306A
But there was just a post recently about an ultralight Spcycle that looks and nice.
Both can be found in the 29er section here

29er / Re: Ultralight hardtails
« on: August 13, 2023, 12:59:02 PM »
I just came across the Spcycle SP-M038 which claims to be 780g!...
Nice find, and good price!

...Though you have to use the phone app ... battery life is long...

I've got a couple of gripes with my Karoo
Does it need wifi to send routes, or bluetooth is enough ?

When you talk about "long battery life", how long's that?
And with a bright screen ?

I've heard whispers of a Karoo 3, but I'm leaning towards something else.
I'm sure a gray one will pop up on day from China – maybe this one.

I’m really sorry to hear about your situation.
We all saw it on the news. :’(
Doesn’t the state plans to offer any insurance to help recover some of your losses?

29er / Re: Carbonda FM-1306A a 69° Hardtail
« on: August 13, 2023, 12:28:31 PM »
This is is a gorgeous build - what an awesome pink! Is the fork boost spacing, or non boost? I wonder if matching pink rigid forks would be too much pink?

You have inspired me to build a similar bike - I will send Carbonda an email to get the ball rolling!

edit - I can't see anywhere - is the rear axle non-boost?

Sorry for the extreeeemely long delay.
The unread posts on the forum, looses some after a while.

You might've heard from Wing by now.
It is boost – both front and rear.

I had the black fork in the workshop, it was a test, the rider wanted a suspension.
But I suggested a rigid would be fine for the type of riding she does.
After a few weeks, we ordered a pink one !

As Wing warned me, it is slightly different, as it was not painted together with the frame.
It's kinda hard to spot unless you're looking for it.
And nope, it's not too pink  ;)
Actually, everyone she bumps into wants to chat about her bike.

Sorry to read they are dropping you.
I hate this disrespect. I was looking to buy another integrated bar for my next build.
I'll look elsewhere, and for all mounts, bottle cages,... I buy regularly from them too

As a contrast, a friend's handlebar cracked this week in a very odd place.
I contacted Wing at Carbonda with pictures.
Even if it was kind of out of the 2y-warranty. Replaced without any question !
Ok, I'm a regular buyer, as I centralise the buying for  many builds, but what a difference.

It is all on the seller.
Aliex is just ok if something arrives broken.
So I would never advise someone to buy a frame or wheels there, and look for reputable seller you can contact directly.

I have sent a new message to Aliexpress customer service about the way the seller has been acting...

Not sure for how long you are wrestling already, but even with great sellers like Carbonda or lightbicycle time is sometimes relative.
If in stock great, if not it can take its time. Sometimes as planned, sometimes not.
Although a big difference is they always communicate clearly, which is why I'm a fan of both.

The few interactions i had with og-evkin official weren't great.
Their products are generally good, their communication definitely not.
So that may add trouble to your case that may after all end well if more time is given.

I have been struggling with this a bit, I like being able to move around but it has made it difficult to find a 'default' position.

That is why I stick to a bare carbon saddle.
The pedalling/moving friction occurs between the bib and the saddle, not between the bib and the skin, so no chafing anymore on long rides.

But jonathanf2 seems to say they aren't that sticky, so I could try them.
Only if I could find a 130mm one.


Thank you for the longer term review and the screw advice!
What pedals do you have there? They look nice and light.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Chinese cycling clothes
« on: August 09, 2023, 01:58:17 AM »
...About bibs, they are heavier than well known brands and thus warmer...
So you have what you pay for, don't expect a miracle  ;)

I had this hot plastic bag impression with a spexcel bib I tried.

Not these Darevie:
I did rides in very hot weather and they are just fine.
And at $36, I can't find anything better.

Anecdotally I moved out from black bibs and don't look back 
You just to have to be more careful at your nature breaks 8)

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Carbonda Cfr 1056
« on: August 09, 2023, 01:41:08 AM »
how is your project going?  I would like to make one too based on this frame.
Sorry for the long delay  ::)
The person went for a 1136 instead, BSA BB, with Rival AXS shifters, WR40 lightbicycle wheelset, Force crankset and derailleurs.
The integrated handlebar from Carbonda is great if you know the stem length you need upfront.

First you have to be sure the noise is coming from the BB.
As a creak can come from many places and resonate through the frame like a drum: pedals, screws of the ring(s) or the rear hanger not properly tightened, seatpost, stem/bar, loose wheel axles, cassette, rear hub bearings or free wheel parts,...

Ideally check out all this on a home trainer with someone else listening where the noise originate. And try to replace the easy part you think could creak, eg: pedals, rear wheel

Then, or if you are certain it is the BB.
Check the smoothness of the non drive side bearings, it is the one that generally dies first with gxp.
If not smooth, replace bearings. Either with a good brand SKF, NTM,... that will last a little longer, or buy them by the dozen on aliexpress and consider it as a disposable part.

The  wavy washer is there to take any slack and preload the non drive side bearings that takes all lateral load.

...It seems like the current trend in "wide" road tires, ~28-32mm, is to have the tire be 1-2mm wider than the *outside* rim ...
Interesting. Did the 105% rule expired?
Where did you learn about this?

... *DO NOT* go with a tire thats narrower than the rim width...
28mm tires on 32mm ext rims seems to work fine, what is the issue?

29er / Re: Carbonda FM-1306A a 69° Hardtail
« on: July 11, 2023, 01:37:17 AM »
I have an XT groupset and a SID select waiting for a frame. Will the XT 4pot caliper brakes fit into this frame?

From a picture there, I would say yes...,3800.msg43716.html#msg43716

Ask Carbonda.

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