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Messages - theirishrider

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Short list of rim/wheel manufacturers you can't go wrong with (not exhaustive, just ones the come to mind):
- Lightbicycle
- Farsports
- Elite Wheels
- Winspace (who also make frames)

Add BTLOS to this. I love my BTLOS wheels, good website and great customer service. Shipped perfectly packages and well built.

Oah!!! I love it!!

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Shimano GRX on AliExpress
« on: November 01, 2021, 06:25:43 PM »
If it is 007Bike Store, you can trust them.
They just ship without the boxes.
I'll 3rd. great place to shop.

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: September 29, 2021, 10:43:39 AM »
New owner here, love the frame, I'll post some thoughts after a couple more rides, just got a few initial questions I couldn't find answers to on here:
1) what are people doing to plug up the cable holes on top of the chain stays? Or is it easy to just wash out when mud gets down in there?
2) supplied hanger doesn't seem to work with my slx 12 speed, only way I can access the smallest cog is to add a fat washer to locate the derailleur further outboard. Yes I checked hanger is straight, and limit screw all the way out. Anyone else find this?
Weird. I use XT 12s and it works fine. Is it possible your hub is offset or you have cassette spacers/washers on the freehub in that you should not have?

29er / Re: Tantan Seraph FM699 issues
« on: September 27, 2021, 08:49:47 AM »
If you're talking about the small 'hair' void/crack in the race cup - would suggest it's likely fine. How deep is it?  If you are worried about it, a bit of carbon fibre friendly epoxy pushed into the void, then gently sanded to smooth the surface would be an appropriate fix.

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: ZTTO 11-46 cassette 11 speed
« on: September 23, 2021, 09:44:58 AM »
I got the 34t ZTTO one with the Alu large cogs. I felt like it was 'loose' but i did the lockring tighter and it got rid of the wobble. Maybe try another thin washer that the lockrings have on them?

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Magene P325 CS - First Impressions
« on: September 16, 2021, 11:35:58 AM »
I got the same on kickstarter.

I'm very happy with mine. used them for 1000+ KM. Compared to my Elite Suito the power is spot on - no complaints. Easily good enough for anyone who's not doing scientific tests/pros. Never get dropouts, amazing 1-month battery even when using 7 hours/week. No complaints whatsoever. I think they'd be robust enough for gravel riding too I think.

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: July 23, 2021, 06:01:24 AM »
Not sure if I can include this here or not! I was looking to buy an FM936 but then this barely used Vitus came up on eBay at a great price.  I added some of my carbon parts (ElitaOne post, Romin Pro, Deda bar, Uno stem) plus set up my Conti tyres (2.4 X Cross RaceSport & 2.2 Race King Protection) tubeless.  Have since removed the lock outs as I never used them.  My old XTR pedals blew up on a test ride so awaiting a Zeray set and also a Fovno Ghost.  Even as it stands the bike is 11.1kg for a size small which I think is pretty great for a £1,500 buy!

It rides amazingly.  Replacing a hardtail Boardman Pro 29er it is much more confident but still playful efficient feeling.  I thought it might be like a tank with a longer wheelbase (even moving from a medium Boardman to a small FM936 it is longer), but this is not the case.

I even think the paint looks pretty good!

That's an unreal price! wow!    I'm very impressed by the weight, my L with carbon wheels, Full XT, no lockout is 11.something !  It's a great bike enjoy.   One thing I'd like to see is CRC/Wiggle put the replacement pivot parts online because I need a new bottom sex bolt!

29er / Re: My TanTan FM199
« on: May 14, 2021, 08:39:47 AM »
Looks amazing dude! What do you think the maximum chainring size is? I'm considering a gravel build i can also use for trail.

29er / Re: Chinese Frame hardtail ht 67-69'
« on: April 28, 2021, 11:26:28 AM »
Has anyone seen any frames close to the Cannondale F-Si?
I have a desire to build something like this:
To answer my own question, Caloi seems to sell something similar, but I don't know if this frame is open mould like some of their other stuff.

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: April 27, 2021, 11:13:59 AM »
Sorry Denis, I know it's very annoying not to have a bike for X number of weeks. This could happen with Specialized too, if you broke your frame this year it could take ages for a replacement because of the shortages due to Covid. Honestly, Carbonda is doing ok, many people have had big bike brand argue that they used the bike incorrectly or such and therefore don't get a warranty.  This is a generic supply chain issue, seen in almost every manufacturing company on earth this year.

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: April 26, 2021, 10:57:12 AM »
This is standard warranty procedure. Never seen any manufacturer handle it differently. They actually seem pretty flexible and you're not being reasonable.

I get your injured and can't disassemble your bike, so pay the deposit. Or use your good arm and a hack saw and cut the top tube or ask a friend for help.
Sounds like the way to?  It's a really standard procedure, even bike shops have to do it with the brands like this :)

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: April 23, 2021, 11:39:43 AM »
I am also considering this fm936 and FM 909.
FM 936 frame are very reliable and this frame used by NS bikes , victus etc..
But FM 909 is 100 gram lighter.
I dont know which one to choose.
If you're only consideration is weight I think go with the FM936 - It's solid. You will vary more than 100g just in water weight, it's 100ml of water...

29er / Re: Carbonda FM936 Sizing
« on: April 21, 2021, 10:18:32 AM »
I'm 185cm. I ride the L FM926 with a 50mm stem. It feels long for me, but not too long, I don't feel streched. I'm well over the front end on very step climbs and feel 'in' the bike on the descents. I don't know much about geometry so can't guide you more than than that. On the road, I ride a Giant TCR 2019 Large.

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: April 20, 2021, 11:47:55 AM »
Hahahahha that's the most inventive thing i've seen for a while. Personally, I just get harribo and some glue and stick them on!! :P

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