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Messages - wijmaar

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I beat you in takeoff :)

Noooooo  :D. Luckily my WXY plane is soooo much faster and will overtake yours mid-air

Correct, they don't offer a completely raw carbon frame as they are all coated.

In the end I've gone with a very similar paint job to Wijmaar with chameleon purple fading down to gloss black. Should be receiving my mock-up of the paint job later today.

Nice! I will share some better pictures (in daylight :D) once I have received the frame.

I just stumbled upon these pictures on the Velobuild website, really like the look of the Chameleon frame in daylight! (Not so sure about the saddle and the pedals though  :-X)

Same for you?

I don't know about the decals, I explicitly asked to only follow the color scheme and not add the decals as I don't want it to be a fake s-works.

i think there is a mistake
chameleon is not achieved by mixing two colours or three

I'm sorry if I formulated it wrong, I had to pay for three colours as you pay €20 per colour and chameleon is more expensive (€60).

I'm having some problems briefing VeloBuild on the paint scheme of my frame, can someone verify if what I'm trying to explain to them is correct?

I would like a Chameleon paint job with three different colours and a gloss finish. My very basic understanding of a chameleon paint job is that you overlay one layer of paint on top of the other, and at certain angles/in certain light of of the colours becomes more prominent?

I am using this for reference which I think is someone's frame on here that is currently being shipped?

The frame in the link above looks mostly black (primary colour) and green (secondary colour), then it has a dark purple (accent colour) at certain angles.

I would like to copy this style for my frame, with the colours being black (primary colour) and dark purple (secondary colour). My accent colour will then be Giro d'Italia pink, which should only show at certain angles in the same way the purple does in the reference frame.

My brief is not clear to VeloBuild (probably my fault), and they are asking which areas of the frame I would like painting in each colour. Is the answer not just all of it? As I don't want just the down tube in black, and the just the top tube in purple for example.

Good choice ;). That is actually the frame which is on it's way to me. My paint job was put together as follows, I asked Chris to paint the frame as much as possible like:

Which translated to the following mockup made by Chris:

Mine is made up out of two colours: gloss black and gloss green chameleon. The gloss green chameleon is green / purple based on the angle. I had to pay for 4 colours (1 for gloss black, 3 for gloss green chameleon).

it looks like both of those use integrated stems/steerers though, i dont think they will work for me. i could probably fit on a 57 in those models but its too much of a gamble for me...

Wanted to compare the different geo's but I cannot really find a van Dessel MOTIVUS MAXIMUS in size 56, I can only find 55 or 57. Are you sure you have a size 56?

Just checked on mine, nothing like a nipple to see:


I have ordered a VB-R-168 from Velobuild. According to Velobuild it should clear 32mm tyres and according to some of the current owners in the specific topic it will easily fit that. Does use a proprietary seat post I assume.

According Chris it has nothing to do with changes July 1st. Mine actually changed status this morning, maybe there was a shortage of cargo space on the planes?

My status right now:

I have ordered a Velobuild VB-R-168, which is shipped using XDB shipping on June 28th. On WXY order tracking it is currently in the state "Item accepted" for the last week, which is a lot longer than what I am used to when it comes to XDB.

Apparently there seem to be some issues with regards to XDB shipping since the new rules in EU that apply since July 1st. I have heard that some vendors don't even offer XDB shipping for now.

I'm afraid my frame might be stuck because of that... Anybody who knows more about this subject?

Amazing, would be great to hear if it does!

Out of interest where did you order from?

I ordered from this shop in The Netherlands (where I live :) ).

Has anyone tried to fit an SL7 silicon seat post cover to a 168? Something like this: I know the 168 doesn't come with one and I'd like to have a bit more protection from water if possible.

I have ordered the SL7 cover, but have not yet received the frame. Once I have the frame I can confirm if it fits or not.

After a lot of e-mail back and forth, mine is now eventually shipped. Hope to receive it soon. Picture also on the Velobuild website, as far as I can see on this pictures I am really happy with the black fading to chameleon paint job. Photos here:

I checked with Chris and I will also receive the two bolt version of the handlebar so I assume he is having issues acquiring the original bars that were on the pictures.

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