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Messages - repoman

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What is the max that would fit in? do yo also think a 2.25 will fit or even 2.35?  or could you maybe try it out for me?
or do you have some more detailed photos, how much clearence you do have left?>

2.25 def wouldn't fit in 29er/700c, they *probably* would work with 650b (guessing here).

Looks really good! Do you have a standard 105 di2 road derailleur? How is the clearance with those tires?

It's pretty much the limit for clearance on the back, about 7mm clearance on the front.
There is about 3.5mm of clearance of the knobs on the seat stays, 2mm clearance on the Di2 box on the FD, about 9mm clearance on the chainstays. 

These tires measure 53mm on these rims.

Yeah, this is just a long cage 105 Di2 RD, running 11-36.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« on: August 19, 2024, 09:32:10 PM »
Does Speeder sell any of its frames to the general public? And if so, what price range are we looking at?

My original plan was to get the Arow and literally use ever single component off my Tavelo Attack for the build. At this point I could just do the same with the SC-R55D.

I was quoted $832 for the frame, bars, post, headset and shipping to USA, lead time 2-3 months when I emailed them about 2 months ago.


Here's mine with 29er/700c 2.1"/51mm Thunder Burts

29er / Re: LCFS948 - a new enduro from Light Carbon
« on: August 18, 2024, 04:39:42 PM »
Yikes! The fact that these breaks are in different spots is even more the CF they are using or process is bad?

29er / Re: New Light Carbon LCSF980 XC bike
« on: August 18, 2024, 12:48:03 PM »
Is there any significant differences between the 980 and the 918? 
Is the 980 a XC and the 918 a down country?
The 918 has a lighter listed weight.

Anyone built one of these yet? 
Is this sort of a Epic WC style frame and the 918 is an Epic Evo style frame?

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« on: August 16, 2024, 02:44:09 PM »
I'm curious as to how many frames are actually bang on in BB tolerances. I'm trying to think about previous examinations and can't really think of many. 
Calipers are not the tool to be using to do this measurement either, you need a bore gauge/mic.   
I'm thinking the technology of molding these frames simply isn't capable of producing tolerances that high and further process is required like sticking the frame in a jig on a mill and using a boring bar type tool or reaming setup to get it spot on where you could actually indicate. 

Anyone work at a bike shop? Curious if it's common place to ream BB on something like a Specialized to dimension...hand reamers like Park Tool potentially isn't really going to be a reliable way of getting the BB bore to dimension at these accuracies, at least in alignment and parallelism (it would achieve OD precisely however). 

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« on: August 16, 2024, 11:48:35 AM »
Personally I was hyped by the Arow frame because it seemed to bring all the things I wanted in a frame, which was sub 1000g weight with a design that looks really aero. What are the alternative bikes that have similar qualities? Seka Spear (more expensive, no US dealer) and Winspace Agile are pretty much it. One of the few Chiner frames that seemed to be on par with the latest gen allround bikes like the SL8, new Madone, SS6-2 etc. I don't think the hype was artificially high per-se, they are offering a frame design a lot of people want.
Speeder RC55D

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« on: August 14, 2024, 05:16:38 PM »
Not to give Tavelo a pass, I really have no dog in this fight... but they're hardly alone in botched launches. Even Western brands get it wrong sometimes, and without much recourse. Like with your Giant purchase (cant remember the details). Even with a bike store purchase it can still be bad.
I honestly feel like some of these quality issues just come with the territory. Though honestly it's dumb that we've got away from threaded BBs.

I listened to more of the Nero Show on my school pick up run and had e more very basic thoughts. One, the idea that someone responding to being called a shill and a liar makes them a Karen is hilarity. Some of yall are absolutely shameless. Two this is a $1500 frameset, not a $2000 frameset like PT kept saying. Still pricey enough to not have all these issues, but meaningfully cheaper than an equivalent Western brand. Three IIRC PT specifically said he ordered this anonymously, and it's supposedly the first copy in his size. Again not making excuses; they should have made some runs in every size to catch issues. But serial #00001 is prob gonna have issues.

Id be curious to see how other $1500 framesets compare. Maybe the extra $ western brands charge helps avoid these kinds of problems. I don't think this will be the end of Tavelo though, they have a huge domestic market.

That does nothing excuse the issues or make them less significant. If it was a 500 dollar frame, then yeah maybe you could mention that, but $1500 puts it in a different league open to much more intense scrutiny.  And you can't buy the frame for 1500, so it's more like a 1880 frame they are throwing the bars in for free.   

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« on: August 14, 2024, 10:21:10 AM »
I reckon it is a PT special frame that had been qc'd specially because it's a review frame, it's just because their qc is that abysmal that this is the end product he received and I'd assume they were perfectly happy with it before sending it. Now that is scary.

Easy for them to hide behind the usual stuff they say, it's "oh we wanted to get the frame to you ASAP!" and "all the issues are fixed and our product is perfect now!".

Well when a manufacturer that is trying to position as premium, they shouldn't have any rudimentary issues with the basics. Makes me think if a reviewer's frame is like this... How about the ones that don't get special treatment? Even worse?! Yeah nah no thanks.

And of course the panda podium guy tries to then absolve himself of responsibility, when he is the main seller of this frame to the western market (does the frame even sell in China?) and whether or not it was sent direct from tavelo, I'd assume he has had a part in getting his mate PT a frame. Makes me more concerned that pp would be doing extra qc on the frame just because it is a review frame, which seemed to be the case from his yt comment.

It is all a bit smelly to me.

I think PT gets some of the stuff through a 3rd party, IE he gives money to a buddy who the brand has no idea who they are to buy the frame or wheelset or whatever to prevent brands from perrforming extra QC for promotion products. 

Hoping he does the Elilee Blaze frame. Cam Nichols just released a vid on it but it's very shilly.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« on: August 14, 2024, 07:06:54 AM »
Now let’s grab some popcorn…
Nero Show online with latest response to PT…

Holy moly did they take his little jab poorly.  :o 
They are mad butthurt over his little joke.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« on: August 14, 2024, 07:01:30 AM »
The steerer tube/head tube/expander plug of that bike looks like a massive cluster fk. 

What is the point of a D shaped steerer tube that can't accommodate cables and can only fit two hydraulic lines?  :o

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« on: August 13, 2024, 12:48:15 PM »
I've gone through the Hambini vid of the Hunt and basically he says the main issue with them being poorly engineered and crap is that they use bearings that are 6802 15mm (ID) x 28mm x 7mm, I'm guessing the implication that this is too small for disc hub, yet the 9Velo hubs that he had glowing reviews for (literally saying they are about as good as you can get) have bearings that are  6803 17mm (ID) x 26mm x 5mm. 

To me, it seems like the 15mm ID bearings would be more 'stable' (wider, better ID to OD ratio, larger balls(?)) than the 17mm in their seats and also be able to handle higher loads AKA it's a beefier bearing in the one he deemed as crap.

So yea...starting to chalk that guy up in the BS dept more and more.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« on: August 13, 2024, 09:12:50 AM »
This is pretty bad for even $600 dollar frames. The branding has no clothes.

FWIW Both PT and Hambini gave pretty glowing reviews of 9Velo wheelsets so I bought one. The bearings in the front are completely toast after 1000 miles, the rear ones are on the way out. 9Velo has no interest in replacing them since they are "consumables." I'd understand that position if they actually lasted a reasonable distance, but 1000 babied miles for ceramic bearings is complete crap.  I was going to buy another set but now I'm definitely going with some other company.

Hambini also completely shit on Hunt wheels, I have a set of those that I have completely abused and they are still rock solid and the bearings are still fine after probably 3000 miles, a lot of which are use of being on my bad weather bike.

The Lightcarbon LCG071-D I have has enough space for 700 57mm/ 29 2.1" mtb tires.

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