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Messages - Colt__Seavers

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12]
29er / Re: Lightcarbon LCFS937 Build
« on: July 13, 2020, 02:06:15 PM »

LCFS958 Build 17.5”
Painted with Montana Black Spray Paint - Blue Lagoon
Clear Coated with Spraymaxx 2k Gloss

Wanted to do the same thing, bit wanted to use Montana Gold instead. Also using SorayMaxx 2K Primer.
When should I use Montana Black and when Gold?


Thank mate. Missing the "like" function so much on this forum

Component Deals & Selection / Re: CarbonBeam XC carbon rims
« on: July 13, 2020, 07:49:16 AM »
I found nextie rims with almost the same size and up to 120kg driver weight, but for double the price. So it must be possible. Torrey T700 most of them uses. material is one small part of a good rim. The manufacturing and QA process is even more important. I might give it a go.

Hahaaa, yeah those color schemes are addictive.

Do the colors match from their various products?

I ordered the 60mm version (as short as possible) for the FM936 in XL. I'm 196cm in height. But I want to sit in the most very upright position to nurse by back problems. Hope this was the right decision. I'm going for a seatpost with no setback as well, so don't know if this was the right decision.

The seller told me it's a 1:1 copy of the Syncros so in this more expensive Version there should be no sharp edges from steerer to bar. Be sure I will beat the shit out of that handlebar to test it, before riding one meter.

29er / Re: List of Full Suspension MTB Frames
« on: July 12, 2020, 07:31:31 AM »

: I'm not a shill.  I'm here to help.  I love you all.  Or, for the less literate, more mathematically inclined: me = friend

Hey, all! It looks like you're all enjoying this list, but maybe have a few questions, so I thought I would take some time to answer both barrels of  fan mail.

Our first questions comes from sclyde2, sclyde1's younger, less popular, more easily startled, half-brother:

Q: "Why have you done this to me?"
A: Well, sir, I like to think of this list as something that has been done for you, not to you. Any incursion into your apparently massive personal space has been inadvertent. The "why" is rather simple; someone went to the trouble of making a list of hardtail frames, and that post went and got itself an agent, a publicist, a line of collectable action figures, and eventually, stickied. I thought, perhaps foolishly, that a similar list of full suspension frames would be useful to people.

Q: "Are you a slut-filled sock puppet for the Taiwanese carbon mafia?"
A:  That's a big negative, buddy.  My nationality is the United States.  I don't get paid to post on the Internet, or for anything.  I live and work near the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Los Angeles, where I am a volunteer slash trespasser.  In my spare time I play bass in a spoon band. We're called Ain't Got No Tine for This. You may have heard some of our hits: (I wanna) Put My Soup in You, Slurp it Up, or All Innuendo Aside Let's Have Sex (in your mouth). When I'm not volunteering, trespassing,  or slappin' spoons, I make posts in online mountain biking forums.

Q: "While sifting through the incomprehensible mess of data from the emerging factory-to-consumer bicycle market you overlooked some, what I consider to be obvious, models.  Do you apologize?"
A: No, no apology intended, m'lord.  In fact, I had anticipated this very scenario and thusly diagrammed and constructed a series of action plans to address the dilemma.  The first 30 of these plans were all variations on a theme of farting into mostly empty peanut butter jars and then mailing them to dignitaries, statesmen, and Mayor McCheeses of online mountain biking communities, but in a movie-like moment of inspiration, the kind that spirits the protagonist from the first act to the second act on a wave of fist pumps, I decided I would just edit the original post to include any info I missed on the first pass.  It was beautiful in its simplicity, but left me wondering what I'm going to do with all these peanut butter jars.

Q: "Can we talk more about the beautiful and luxurious FM936, with its many available sizes and options if I provide an affiliate link and a reminder that if you use the promo code #SelfRighteousIndignance you'll receive a ten percent discount on your first purchase?"
A: Looks like the sock puppet is on the other hand, your lordship.  How does it smell?

Q:" I want there to be more companies selling carbon bike frames, and I want their names on your so-called list last week. Do you apologize? "
A: Again, no apology has been intended. The carbon frame listings on are dominated by a few vendors who flood the database with hundreds if not thousands of duplicate listings for the same SKUs. Should they be ashamed of themselves, bed wetters that they are? Yes. Should they be given a good scolding, a nicotine stained finger wagged in their face, and sent to bed without supper? Yes. Should their listings be trimmed to more accurately reflect the products they offer and make the site more usable for consumers? Again, yes, but neither I nor my so-called list are responsible for making those things happen. Furthermore, how many companies are actually making carbon bike frames?  My hunch is that the number is around 10, possibly fewer .  It's possible that if the list doesn't die before it learns to walk it might learn more about the carbon bike market and include more vendors. It's still very young at the moment, but it's been smoking a lot more than you'd expect,  it's been spiking it's milk with rocket fuel, and yesterday it came home with a tattoo that says "Live fast! Die young! Kill kill kill!" and there's a picture of a dragon holding a schematic for a doomsday device.

Q(implied): "Do you have any idea who my dad is?  You think I won't get you banned permanently if you tick me off?  I've eaten better men than you before breakfast."
A1: I'll be honest with you, sclyde2, this Q&A has grown to be quite the wall of text, and I expect your wet-nurse stopped reading it to you pages ago, but I will go ahead and answer the question for my own amusement:
A2: That's exactly what my parents said after they found out I'd been stripped of my spelling bee crown due to doping accusations.  And I will tell you exactly what I told them: "Can't nobody tell me nothin'" which is actually just a quote from Lil Nas X's magnum opus Old Town Road, which I was listening to at that moment.  And I'm still listening to it, your highness.  I'll never stop.

I'm going to stop now, as I feel I've answered all of the questions I feel like answering for now.  Feel free to keep 'em coming, though.

I love you!

Very entertaining! But who raised all these Qs? Can't find them in here. Maybe someone from Carbonda? That would kind of saden me a lot as I highly think of Wing who is working for them and is doing a great job.

Great list by the way. Keep it growing and it should be very clear, that it will be VERY hard to list them all. So other users are welcome to add more to the list.

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: July 12, 2020, 07:15:58 AM »

I am using 42.5mm (as are many in this thread who bought this frame) and there are no issues. There is enough clearance at full compression.

Thanks mate

Hi guys, I found an older topic of ullicyc integrated handlebars, but that was too general and from one year ago, so here a new one.

I found this on AliE and it has the exact same values as the standard version of the Syncros Fraser handlebar which Scott uses for their Spark 900 for example.
I ordered that one and will let you know ones is here.

This version is an 1:1 copy the seller said. That's why it is the most expensive one. Even the stated weight is the same.

Component Deals & Selection / CarbonBeam XC carbon rims
« on: July 12, 2020, 05:50:21 AM »
Hi guys,
was looking for light XC rims with 25-30mm inner width.
Using "29 carbon rim" search on AliE I got a lot of results up front from SoloTeam or CarbonBeam, whichseam to be the same company. Very light (310-330g) and pretty cheap (130$). also have a website where you can order via PayPal.
They are specifying these rims up to 120kg rider weight, which should be ideal for me and my Gravel/forest paths requirements, not really full XC. But all other manufacturers I know specifying their rims way lower like 80-90kg or with a higher rim weight of 365 or higher. So I'm not really sure what to think of these.

Anyone have any feedback on these?

Update: new founds:

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Fovno Crank sets
« on: July 12, 2020, 05:39:28 AM »
Hi guys, I was looking for the boost version of that crank, and found a relabeled one. Also ZTTO is using the crank.
But it seems not being boost after all. Isn't it?!

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: July 12, 2020, 05:31:32 AM »
Thank a lot @adbl

But how to know if 165x42.5 is still save to use?

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: July 09, 2020, 02:16:59 PM »
Got me a 165x42,5 Fox Factory Float DPS EVOL. I normally wanted to have a 165x40, but the 42,5 was only 100€ new.
Hopefully I can run it together with a 100 SID Ultimate RD.
Any problems which might occur?
Using an XL frame. Carbonda recommended a 40mm

Thanks guys!

Yeah, seems like the "old" ratchet system, but at least the most sophisticated one with 54T instead of 18
Where can I like or thumbs up posts?

Hi guys,
These hubs been to be new on AliExpress.
Looking a lot like DT Swiss copycat.

Anyone knows how to calculate spoke length for those?

F: 138g
R: 231-250g depending on freehub
end caps interchangeable
freehub Micro Spline / Shimano 11s /XD
freehub detachable
54T Ratchet System like DT
ca. 100$ F+R

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: July 03, 2020, 04:30:57 AM »
Why SID Ultimate instead of Fox 32 Factory SC?

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