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29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: January 06, 2022, 05:43:47 PM »
Whilst I completely understand this sentiment, it probably wouldn't do much to help the numerous other members of this forum that are trying to get Haideli to step up and do the right thing.

Yea I hear ya, that makes sense. I truely hope he does/they do.

 I was just thinking if he's willing to lie to sell a couple extra frames , how can we trust what he says from this point forward .

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: January 05, 2022, 02:54:32 PM »
It's actually mind boggling how people could still want frames from heideli after everything that's happened and eddies blatant lies to sell more problematic frames. He's on this site everyday around 6pm pst, like clockwork. He sees the questions but clearly is avoiding them as he does with emails he doesn't want to answer. offer to buy something from the site and see how quickly he responds to that.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, read through this thread and the link below.,3539.15.html

Edit- I'm still all for removing him from this forum.


I have been reluctant to really give my opinion on the matter, hoping I could convince Eddy to do the right thing but after being strung along for the past month , I think it's time to say something.

This was my 5th chinese frame last year. 1 from tantan, 2 velo build, 1 light carbon and the AM831. My experience with tan tan and heidli have been absolutely horrible. Tantan was mostly due to their delayed shipping and the fake tracking numbers provided .however, all 4 frames except the am831 have been without issue. Both velobuilds and light carbon after sale support has been pretty amazing. Especially when you read some horror stories on here or deal with companies like hiedeli/tidace. I've also purchased plenty of parts and gear from China and had mostly positive experiences. Sure there are those who ignore or refuse to help with poor quality or problematic items but i assumed that's what this forum is for, to help provide feedback so others don't go through the same hassle or monetary loss.

This site is the first or second link that shows up when you search for the am831. I would assume most people buying this frame for personal use or on a mass scale would do some research before spending their hard earned money on a product and in doing so will see our reviews ,recommendations or complaints. 

I don't think we should give eddy/heideli a pass because "you should expect this" . There are plenty of reputable companies selling frames and are providing better products,service and after sale support.  Eddy didn't just provide terrible customer service that we can brush off. He legitimately lied twice on  this forum for the sole purpose of selling more flawed frames. I have his comments proving this attached to this post. One was oct 29, and then the next was Dec 3. At this point, who knows when the new rear triangle with be finished. You cant trust the guy to give you an honest answer.  So no one should be buying this frame unless you got money to blow and are willing to test his honesty. Realistically, no one should buy from them again after seeing how this whole thing was handled. I could also go into how I was overcharged and how my frame was painted over a matte back finish rather than sanding that off and applying it over primer. Personally if I could get my money back I'd go with light carbon, Carol was really great and was super quick to get back to me with whatever I needed, or carbonda, which has a proven track record on this site. 

I think we should actually ask to remove him from this forum.  He's lied so we cant trust him and he doesn't provide anything of value. He just advertises their products which we can all view on their webpage without him. 

I bought mine from Winow Cycles, and their attitude is no better.

Window is tantan and they're pretty terrible as well.  I'd never buy anything from them again.

Who can return it? Did I !miss something on us being able to return it?

No. Maybe?

It's anyone who purchased within the last 6.months if you paid through PayPal since you still.have their protection .

Realistically,  anyone who can return it should. There is no reason to accept this over the one with the new rear triangle if you don't have to.

I actually got a crank set from them and had a much more positive experience. The threads on the non drive side arm were poorly machined and stripped out while I was out on a mild ride. They asked for photos and then promptly sent a replacement. Since then ive ordered a few parts from goldix now without issue. A couple sets of brakes , chain ring, and now those oilslick  dt swiss 350 clones . Although I'm still waiting on the hubs

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Velo Build R-099 Build
« on: December 30, 2021, 10:05:48 PM »
12 seemed a bit high when comparing to my other bikes. So I just tightened enough to stop it from moving

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Velo Build R-099 Build
« on: December 30, 2021, 07:03:49 PM »
with some carbon paste , i torqued it to 6nm and its held up with no issues for about 3k miles now

29er / Re: cybrsrce AM831 build
« on: December 13, 2021, 09:11:02 AM »
I was so excited to see a 29er trail tire in tanwall that I just bought them without considering how they would look :)  I've not had Specialized tires that weren't shit but these new compounds have promise.  If they work well you can get a set for a little more than one decent Maxxis tire, but maybe in a black sidewall.

I'm deciding on another am831 for my sister ( definitely after they actually fix the frame  ;D ) or the Carbonda 1166. I saw someone here get a transparent blue top coat over raw carbon from carbonda and Im thinking that might look pretty nice with these tan sidewalls

BTW the tans with the gray frame are really growing on me. Maybe it looked off originally since we were used to seeing your bike with the black tires.

29er / Re: cybrsrce AM831 build
« on: December 11, 2021, 02:53:25 PM »
Curious why you went back to round? Did the oval not live up to hype or was it just not as good for your style of riding ?

I'm right there with ya. I normally like tan sidewalls but I think you're bike looked killer with the black tires. I don't think it looks bad , though. Still a very very nice looking bike with the tans

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: December 08, 2021, 10:51:05 AM »
Congrats, I'm glad yours is rideable. As documented in a few threads here. The flex has caused rubbing on my frame and I don't ride since it's already gone through the paint and I don't want it damaging the carbon underneath

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: December 08, 2021, 08:46:14 AM »
I was told the new rear triangle would be finished in a month and that was on Nov 4th. Asked Eddy about it last night and he said they're still working on a fix. I don't know how he can say the new frames are fine when they're still working on a fix. So I would still wouldn't purchase this frame if anyone is still considering it now. Kinda wish I had gone with a lcfs947 so I could actually have a rideable bike right now

Edit- I also joined the bolt buy, thanks for doing all this JJJ.

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: November 29, 2021, 04:27:25 PM »
Is Eddy a technician? I'd rather say a middleman who probably didn't fully understand the issue. Regarding cybrsrce's case, he first needs to have the screw shoulder contact the inner race metal on metal, and have the race seated properly on a cylinder. That will contribute to reducing the flex, for sure.

no he is definitely not but speaks on their behalf. he hasnt answered any of my questions without conferring with the engineers first or at least thats what im being told.

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: November 29, 2021, 04:09:11 PM »
When speaking to Eddy about this I was told shorter screws didn't work for them to fix the flex and they had to fix the mould for the rear triangle to get rid of the flex

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: November 29, 2021, 10:09:49 AM »
It is more complicated than that. You would need the triangle to be re-designed to accommodate a bolt through rather a bearing i.e with the bearing removed from the triangle something needs to fill the space.

Why do you need to remove the bearing? Would it be terrible if you left it there and it sat against another bearing? Well, as long as the bolt fit through it.

Fitting a SC link in there would be great. anyone able to test this? If so.. they are only 60 euros to order online.. doubt it though

I totally would have but they are sold out here in the states

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