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Messages - zxcvbnmjm

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Hm that sounds maybe dangerously light.. hahaha

Thats definitely the lightest 11 speed cassette ive heard of

Even the lightest 10 speed cassettes ive seen are heavier than that. The lightest i can think of from memory are 120g+?

I personally am a bit iffy of 100% al cassettes

But if you end up buying im keen to hear how it goes!

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Shoes rubbing crank arms
« on: December 21, 2022, 03:19:19 AM »
I also had the same problem with shoe rub when my crank is in the 3 oclock position because my feet naturally point slightly outward which causes my heel to touch the crank. I moved my cleat position slightly inward and with speedplay pedals i can adjust the inward float to a point where it stops me my shoes from reaching the point of rub

If your cleat fit is really spot on then i wouldnt suggest getting pedal extenders. Those are for people who need a wider stance width/q-factor. Extending this when you dont need to could cause bike fit problems. But if your cleat position might not be then you can give it a try. I wouldnt change it dramatically though if it already feels good the way you have it. Maybe just a few mm? Or you could just move the cleat inward. It will have the same effect

Another thing to think of could be the amount of float your cleats provide? If theyre too loose or too worn? you can get cleats with less float(depending on which pedal system you're using) but again, that could cause knee issues or something if you need more float

Yeah 24mm alu spindles are known to fail, avoid.

The ingrid stuff is super interesting, they even make derailleurs.
The first thing they show on their page is the warning about fakes:

This has to be the same factory undercutting them, no way its a from scratch fake. That does not mean the quality is there of course.

ingrid components claim to be 100% made in italy. i have a feeling that theyre 'made from scratch' fakes. the design has been copied then the copied and sold and also they have then been altered for brands like racework to make their own 'design' crankset (the one with the 24mm spindle)

seems like a lot of copied cnc parts are popping up on aliexpress recently like the fake ee brakes. i have also seen some rebranded and altered version ee brakes on taobao. so i doubt theyre coming from the original factories. im guessing they are coming from cnc factories that are able to copy existing products


have you read this thread? There may be some solutions there that werent mentioned here,3781.msg38354.html#msg38354

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Tubeless Wheel Plugs.
« on: October 03, 2022, 08:13:39 AM »
I use veloplugs. These are just cheap versions of i suppose. I think i would suggest getting veloplugs or a reputable brand than cheap aliexpress versions. Id be worried that theyre not finished properly and may have some sharp edges that may cause a flat? Or maybe im being paranoid

They definitely wont work with tubeless though

Anyway, mine work perfectly fine and ive never had a problem with them. and i think i saved around 15-20g per wheel from using rim tape. Just make sure you get the right size that will fit the holes in your rim!

Component Deals & Selection / Re: 2022 - Rotor recommendations?
« on: September 22, 2022, 10:14:59 PM »

The new Kactus look good. They're thickness is stated between 1.6 up to 2mm. Would be great if they're 2mm. Anyone tried them yet? Any rattles? How thick are they actually?

Saw these on AliX under the Onirii store.  Apparently they have stopped producing them altogether.
They can still be found under the Cactus brand, but I wonder what the story is behind why Onirii stopped making them…

looks like the onirii cd-01 and cd-02 were discontinued because they had some problems

the maximum tyre size is 23c accoring to the aliexpress page of the thrust frameset. i personally wouldnt buy a new frame that doesnt allow for at least 25/28c. but preferably 30c+

im currently running jagwire sport inner cables and i was previously using jagwire pro. cant feel any difference in stopping power and the weight difference is negligable. Im also running ables fully internally with an intergrated stem and juin tech brakes. i havent tried the jagwire elite cables but i cant imagine they would be that much better.. i would personally recommend jagwire sport if you want decent performance and to keep costs low

as for housing, i was also previously using KEB-SL compressionless housing and i recently switched to legion SP housing. the price was almost the same and the i also cant really feel much difference in stopping power. maybe the legion SP is slightly better? or it might just be my imagination... lol. but the legion SP is lighter for both brake cables and gear cables. i think i saved about 30-40g?

i also used to use coated inner cables on another bike a long time ago but i found that the coating rubs off and gets stuck in the housing which increases resistance. i read online that other people have had similar experiences so i have decided to stay away from those

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame
« on: September 04, 2022, 01:55:11 PM »
I don't think that would be an issue at all looking at how easy it is to fit any headset to the Velobuild

I would recommend to buy directly from the manufacturer instead of all the resellers on Aliexpres.... I bought one and it feels pretty decent. TOP NOTCH finish, looks like any $3-400 handlebar

Note* that a 400 bar measures 400mm C-C drop to drop and actually is 385mm C-C hood to hood.

I just received mine two days ago! Thanks again for the review on your other thread! I ended up getting this bar for USD$100 shipped ($10 alibaba voucher and i asked for free shipping within china). And also, thanks heaps for the tip about the bar width! I was so close to accidentally ordering 400mm when i remembered you mentioning something about the bar width. Then i double checked and noticed that they measure the bar width by the width at the drops!

I was initally hesitant to buy these bars because of the weight difference between my original velobuild bars 322g and these being 350g, but the weight difference of 2cm of spacers alone almost cancels out the difference lol

I've only ridden it once indoors but the quality seems decent. If anyone is interested in how they feel, i have a race in two weeks and i can follow up with my impressions. One thing disappointing was the quality of the split spacers which dont match up very cleanly.

Anyone tried to fit "The One Pro" Handlebar to the 168?
The headset cover provided with the OEM bar (which looks like is the samE top cap provided with THE ONE PRO bar) does not fit the 168. The headset covef  is far too narrow for the 168's headtube. I had to drill allignment holes into the one set of provided spacers to make it fit with the original 168 top cap. Then I wrapped the spacers and topcap in electrical tape to cover the exposed gaps. Its not the prettiest solution but it will do for now. I will one day glue together the top cap and spacer then use a filler to fill in and make a smooth join between the two pieces

Can you actually get single items from Alibaba? And if so, how? I thought that’s only wholesale and for retail you have aliexpress.
Its possible but it depends on the seller. Some sellers offer minimums of 1 whereas others may require higher minimums. You just have to check. Also some sellers (like in this case) offer samples. Just message the seller and request a sample and they will send you an invoice

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Short Cranks 155/160 Supplier
« on: August 22, 2022, 11:17:05 PM »
Check through these guys catalog and send them and email:

I have a set of the Zele-A12X-OS which are great value if you want to try shorter cranks. Would reccomend the 24mm version even though its heavier as fitting the 30mm version to a bike accurately is trickier.

those look good! how much did they cost you?


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