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Messages - sbellote

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Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Hygge Aero Carbon Frame
« on: October 01, 2023, 01:59:23 PM »
Sometimes they are increasing the price and getting ready for a "sale". I also saw the Magene Ultra Wheelset's price at $2000 but then it came back to $1200 or something.
probably, common practice all over Aliexpress. If you keep track, most items are always on some kind of discount, to give the impression that it's a special price and you either buy fast or the price will increase. Even though the higher price is on for like 10 days a year, and the usual price is at -30% tag.
So once in a while (normally right before some website sale) the price increases, for 1 or 2 days, and then comes right back.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Elves Eglath Pro Build
« on: September 29, 2023, 11:00:07 AM »
Eglath doesn’t get the love because ELVES (imo) has been pushing the FALATH EVO,  and now the brand new VANYAR .., they're taking up all the “air in the room”.
yeah, it has to do with current marketing focus (their recent launches) and how Elves came to be more known over the last year (which has a lot to do with the Falath Evo).
Because the brand itself is already known in China and southeast Asia for years, it's just that the western world (and Australia) got to know it recently

anyway, great looking bike! really beautiful frame, the paintjob is nice, and the build itself is well put together. Glad to hear it rides nice :)
now, any particular reason to keep the 'pillar' adhesives on the spokes?

the thing i like most about elves is how the name of their frames is like they've put a bunch of letters in a blender and set it to max.
it's actually just names of Elven people from Tolkien's lore. Vanyar, Eglath and Falath(rim) which the brand decided to exclude the last letters
as someone who is a fan of Tolkien, this brand caught my attention years ago while browsing through Aliexpress ;D

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Chinese cycling clothes
« on: September 27, 2023, 09:18:35 AM »
Anyone found some good cycling socks on AliEx with a silicone band around the top to help keep them from sliding down?  Bonus points if they are available in size 39/40.
some pages ago there was some discussion and recommendations, I think 2-3 pages back

this is kind of the "warehouse ready" items from Aliexpress, stores/vendors send their items there and then it's ready to ship fast
also selling prices well below their own stores because it seems to potentialize the sales volume, it must be some negotiation with Aliexpress that to be on that store they need to lower the price at least X%

it has pretty much all categories of items, and the products that appear for each people is different (cookies and all), that's why the other users cannot find it

it's easier to start from Aliexpress home screen and enter the 'Choice', 'SuperDeals' or the 'First come 50% off'. It's normally mostly from this 'Manufacturer direct store' or something, but usually good deals there

This seller has a lot of cycling items for much cheaper than the official stores. I already bought a darevie jersey there for $15 ($23 on official darevie store) and was very happy with it, no catch as far as I could tell
They have things like TPU tubes, Ipro rotors, TOWILD lamps, etc. Also darevie bibs for $16 (official store 32ish?) but the pictures show a grey bib instead of purple. Not sure if they are old collections or something

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Winspace SLC 2.0
« on: September 27, 2023, 07:31:30 AM »
nice bike! congrats! beautiful wheels, frame paintjob is sick, but that fork... reeeeeally nice!!

the SLC2.0 is a really beautiful frame, it's one I'm looking at to put a bike together, next year. But the oem from Speeder, the SC-R48 which has a long post discussion here, similar experience and ride feel from what I remember reading

Anyone tried a chinese home trainer? Such as a magene T100? 250usd for a direct drive seems pretty good. Don't care if the powermeter is crap as I have one on the bike
Magene has some good options, just be aware that the cheapest one has a limit of 700W so not ideal for sprinting. There are some reviews online, worth taking a look
the Thinkrider's like the X5 linked above are really good, I know people who have the X5 as well as X2 and X7 models, and all are pretty happy with it. They're popular here in Brazil because it simply costs less than half of any other smart trainer.
GPLama has tested Thinkrider's model, I don't remember which, and had some compliments

I'd only advise you to stay away from Cycplus trainer, it's crap, some reviews online support that.

if you're in Europe or US, I'd say to lookout for sales online or used products, because at that pricetag you can possibly find something better than the chinese offerings
a year ago I bought a Dare2Ride Fuego 1.0 (a rebrand of the JetBlack Volt, as is the Zwift Hub) from Bike24 for less than 300eur on sale, ended up being a bargain for what it delivers

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Chinese cycling clothes
« on: September 25, 2023, 11:16:40 AM »
I bought these for winter / rainy rides but they are crap... Sweat stays in so you are drenched after a while... Really uncomfortable...
is it really waterproof? It seems it's hard to have a waterproof/resistant fabric AND breathable, it's found only on more expensive clothes
don't know if the spexcel jackets from kubackjeee are better, would be good to know

I always have issues with that, with these kinds of winter clothing.
I sweat too much, and I need breathable fabrics otherwise I'll be drenched in no time. What I end up doing is layering up, and always leaving some opening on the zipper to try to cool down, but after awhile in the ride I tend to open a lot the zipper to cool down, and when it starts to get cold then I close again
annoying, but it's what works. Always wondered if a more expensive jacket would give me the breathability, but at least here it's just too much money, so I prefer to be annoyed  ;D

anyone on chinese shoes? I always like to look, but it's either too cheap and not worth it, or a good price but after all import duties it's similar price to local shoes from some more known brands.
Still, it's nice to see the evolution, just like these 2 new models from Sidebike:
breathable model

Trace Velo is using one of their shoes, and had some compliments about it. The brand normally had models all colorful and, personally, ugly. But these ones are a bit better looking

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Chinese cycling clothes
« on: September 23, 2023, 10:18:08 AM »
Can you give a hint on the sizing?
I'm 1.73/63kg, skinny arms but 'normal' legs, for Ykywbike I normally go with S for jerseys/jackets, and M for bibs, always a good fit

interesting new chinese HRM from Rockbros, the first rechargeable one from China that I see - the others all work with the cr2032 battery.
also, I'm not sure if Rockbros is already in the HRM game, never seen anything from them, so if it's indeed their 1st product in this line don't know how trustful it is. Let's see if some influencers receive it

I think most western brands work with cr2032 too, Wahoo I know has their top model with a rechargeable battery, Garmin I'm not sure

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Chinese cycling clothes
« on: September 22, 2023, 12:44:10 PM »
Any good winter clothes? Looking specifically for a jacket or cycling fleece
I have a winter bib from Ykywbike, long legs, fleeced up to the torso, used in some cold rides (down to 1ºC) and kept me warm but also not to the point of sweating too much
other than that no other winter clothing, but base layer and jersey/bibs I really like their products.
they have some new jacket out which seems good from the photos, I have some of their more expensive stuff and it's really top quality, the vendor has nice communication too, and that's what keeps me coming back to buy with them

seems all the same with different casing, Cycplus is the pioneer and the most expensive, Rockbros/Airbank can be found bit cheaper, and the Cyclami is the cheapest, as jonathanf2 mentioned (I've got one as well but still in transit)
battery/autonomy seems equal, but I suppose that there can be some difference in the temperature each one gets to when pumping
also, the lifespan of each one can be different, but that'll only be known some months from now, when there's more time and more people using each one

in the end, I'm with jonathan, buy whichever is the cheapest

Just fitted my OG-Evkin mount today, snapped in my wahoo with a satisfying click, was solid for my short ride, took the wahoo out and this was the result
also not happy with the spacers between stem and mount they deform below 5nm. (happened with the cheap alloy ones, which have other problems)
my experience with this mount is the opposite, really positive overall. I had issues with the cheap alloy computer mount, tried 2 different ones then decided to go with this one from Og-Evkin
since the first install, no issues, but I use the garmin mount so could be a problem with the wahoo specifically. Also mine is about 2yrs old so could be they changed something on the design and is generating this issues (also the comment above mine)

to be fair, the only issue I have is with the gopro/light support, I cannot get it 100% fixed, I leave it really tight and then when I'm riding it starts to come loose. Not a big issue, with the gopro is less of an issue really, with light (heavier) it can become annoying having to adjust the angle every few minutes

my suggestion is talk with the store, show them the photos, and ask for a replacement. They can send only that part of the mount, could be a quality issue with your sample specifically, too.
just wish you good luck, from other users experience the OG-Evkin communication is far from ideal

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Chinese cycling clothes
« on: September 19, 2023, 08:51:07 AM »
A few hours later, the store responded saying can you please change the reason to "no longer needed", that way the refund will be processed faster. I already had the return label at that point and couldn't change the reason for return. Told the same to them and no reply after that. Just gonna ship it and see what happens.
I think that's more to do with their internal rating with Aliexpress, than a faster process.
If it's something wrong with the item they maybe get 'punished' in some way by the platform, lower rating, maybe makes more difficult to hit some target of sales and ratings.
Instead, if you say it's 'no longer needed' the return and refund happen normally but the store's reputation remains the same.
at least for some cases, because I know that some items have the 'return in 15d' tag, and I remember reading that you can return whatever the motive is, it's not required that's some error or defect on the product

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Chinese cycling clothes
« on: September 18, 2023, 06:22:28 AM »
They need a photo or video before it's submitted I wonder what do they expect. Just a photo of the jersey? I chose incorrect size description
does the size don't match the size table measurements? you can take photos of the jersey + a measuring tape and make some comparisons, like 'table says 65cm, real size 60cm, etc'. I've done this is the past with some disputes and went well

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