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Messages - scourge

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29er / Re: cybrsrce AM831 build
« on: November 23, 2021, 04:22:35 PM »
You guys are doing good work. I really hope we can figure out a solution  to this issue. If it weren't for the flexy rear end, this frame is about perfect for me.

29er / Re: cybrsrce AM831 build
« on: November 23, 2021, 11:59:55 AM »
The stl files for the different washers attached should anyone want them.  My old printer didn't like them all arranged in the stl so I had to add them individually for some reason.

So does anyone here  have easy access to a 3D printer? I asked all my friends and no one has access to one. I'd like to try these out to see if it helps with the flex on my frame.

If someone has access to one and is willing to print out a set, send me a private message. Should be able to just drop them in an envelope to ship them.I'll be happy to pay for them.

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: November 18, 2021, 12:30:14 PM »
I used a cheap set of cranks from China and had to hacksaw off the bolt mounts because they were hitting the rear triangle. Works now, though.

29er / Re: Tideace Black Friday Promotion for FM-XC181
« on: November 18, 2021, 12:25:40 PM »
Good deal.

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: November 17, 2021, 04:05:22 PM »
Do you guys a 32T oval will be OK? Or will that rub?

I think the oval I have on mine is 32t

29er / Re: cybrsrce AM831 build
« on: November 16, 2021, 11:52:49 AM »
Aside from the printed washers, did any of washers help reduce the flexing? Like any of the store bought ones? Unfortunately, I don't have access to a 3D printer.

Mine doesn't flex as bad as the first video. It actually looks more like the second. But maybe putting shims in it would make it even stiffer. I would post a video of my flex but I'm not sure how to do that. Maybe I'll try tomorrow when I'm not working.

Thanks for the work you guys have done on resolving this issue.

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: November 09, 2021, 08:45:42 PM »
What torque specs are everyone using for the shock mounts?

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: November 02, 2021, 09:00:48 PM »
I was gonna fix a cut tube over the rear shock, but that little fender looks like a good option. I may look into that route.

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: November 02, 2021, 08:58:50 PM »
I went chasing my squeak and I think I found it. It seems it was the rear shock mount being too loose. I tightened it up and the squeak stopped. Unfortunately I put the wheel back on to test and see if it made a difference without putting loctite On the bolt. So I assume it will eventually get loose and I'll have to do it again.

I didn't get to take the bike to a trail today, but I rode it around the neighborhood. It's super plush I'm excited about the McLeod I have on the rear. As a budget mountain biker it's so nice to have something besides a rockshox deluxe select for a change.

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: November 02, 2021, 03:44:26 PM »
I thought I was going to get I. My first ride today. But when I went to set the sag. I've got a horrendous high pitched squeak or creaking.  It wasn't there when I sat on it before.

Should I be greasing the pivot points or loc-tighting them?

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: November 02, 2021, 12:06:26 AM »
Some great looking new colors, eddy

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: October 26, 2021, 11:57:24 PM »
I mentioned mine doesn't move like that, but I haven't got it on a trail yet. Maybe after riding it may loosen up more.

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: October 26, 2021, 12:02:33 PM »
Whoa! My bike does not do that

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: October 25, 2021, 11:07:12 AM »
Same to me...learned  a lot from this build and from related issues; internal brake routing in my opinion is a bad idea, I also wasted a lot of time and now I have to solve the hose rattling inside frame issue; I think the best idea (from youtube) is to slide around the hose some foam tube from the lower hole (where is the rubber seal) that is bigger.
Your part list doesn't sound like low quality, probably just your final weight isn't light as mine; I finished above 3000$ for 12.3 kg; what is your weight and final bill?
Also post a ride review (if you have time)and a report about the last issues we are experiencing: is the rear triangle flexy? Bolts are tight? Shifting is ok? Rear deraielluer position?
One comment: I think you cut your hoses too long
Enjoy the bike!

Yeah it's just the front brake and rear derailleur hose that are a bit too long. The front brake is how long it came pre bled out of the box, so I just threw it on there. Now that I've cut and bled a brake, I'll redo the front. And the rear derailleur will be simple to trim down.

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: October 25, 2021, 12:05:09 AM »
Still blurry. Oh well

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