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Messages - mirphak

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29er / Re: Chinese Carbon 29er Pic Thread.
« on: December 26, 2023, 02:04:57 PM »
My Lexon Riot

Metal Frames / Re: Bona Ti
« on: December 26, 2023, 01:20:21 PM »
They say 45mm tire clearance, not 54mm. Having designed mine with Waltly (see this thread:,4490.0.html) I realized it is not that straightforward to make a really big clearance gravel frame. Several items get into the fight to limit it:

- internal routing
- short chainstays
- standard seat tube
- cranks with small Q-factor / large chainrings

all of these complicate having a very large clearance. So either you sacrifize the internal routing on the right chainstay, or you make the chainstays longer (>440mm), and/or you make the seat tube curved or joining the bottom bracket rather on the front side, or you put some cranks with larger Q-factor and maybe a wider bottom bracket.

In my case, my compromise was a standard 50mm clearance, with chainstays at 435mm, shift cable going below the right chainstay instead of inside (although going AXS in the end, so this does not bother me :P).

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Ti Frames?
« on: December 26, 2023, 01:05:24 PM »
I have my waltly frame somewhere in Europe already (I think, XDB/DPD tracking is a little confusing). But not within your 1000 USD budget, rather 1500 USD.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: 12v MTB cassette
« on: December 22, 2023, 10:40:49 AM »
My 10-51 from vgsport with XD hub works perfect with my GX AXS. That is the experience I have so far.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Handlebar tape recomendation?
« on: December 17, 2023, 12:16:31 PM »
Has anyone tried this?
Wolf Tooth 5mm tape

It is thick, so in theory good for gravel? I usually put double bar tape on my handlebars, but I am tempted to try this.

Nope but I find it quite useful. Thanks mate.

However, I still need to find a UDH gravel frameset. And I have no idea if there are any available. I see that in some you can choose the BB but never seen UDH finish.

I made a custom titanium one with an udh hanger to test in the future the new derailleurs from SRAM, but for now I was planning to use it with the old GX AXS non-T.

I am not convinced by all these reports on the moisture problem, honestly. Shimano / SRAM are more expensive but not that many bad reports vs total sales in my opinion and probably worth to give them a shoot instead.

Frame reach of 390mm with a stack height of 582mm for a size 56 JH-10 is considerably upright for being advertised as an aero frame.

Don't look only at the reach. The top tube is really long because the seat tube angle is quite slack. Actually the geometry in that bike does not make much sense. I would have expected a much more vertical seat tube to move all the weight to the front and get a much more aero position and more efficient pedaling.

It's pretty normal for a race frame - I wouldn't call it super low. For example, a Specialized Tarmac is only 4mm higher for the same size, and a Canyon Ultimate is 1mm lower. A 600mm stack for a size 54 would be very tall, that's 25mm higher than a Trek Domane, which is one of the tallest endurance bikes.

Don't listen to me, I am a weirdo. But will have, finally, no spacers in my next bike  ;D .

Actually it is just 1cm taller than the Canyon endurance CF7 in size M, for a similar (4mm longer) reach and similar top tube (2mm shorter). So not that crazy tall.

The JH-15 is really nice, except for that super low stack: 540 in size 54. That is just too damn aggressive for the average Fred (i.e. Me). My custom titanium has 60 mm taller stack than that

Hahaha. Sure,

It is Waltly. Except for this misunderstanding on the front derailleur which is now sorted, the rest looks flawless (at least from the picture). The frame is still with the manufacturer, we are awaiting for the second half of the funds to arrive to them and they should ship it. Lets see how much time it takes.

The geometry is a mix of endurance and gravel: tall stack (600mm), average reach and relatively short effective top-tube. That is achieved with a relatively upright steering tube (71.5 deg) and a very upright seat tube.

Ok, it turned out quite well actually and they accepted some discount for the mistake and change of plans. So yes, for now I can keep my recommendation on this manufacturer (Waltly)

First picture from before, the others from after the fix. You can see it, but  not very noticeable I think.

But apart from marks, do you think the tube will be significantly weaker and prone to crack?
What I don't want is a frame that looks repaired and is weaker. It is their screw up because I insisted many times I wanted a removable hanger and they acknowledge. But of course being eastern manufacturers they do not want to have economic risks so they are really resisting making new frames (but not fully discarded). What I told them and it is truth is that if they make this right building new frames then that a sign of well doing and I will fully recommend them and will repeat in any future designs. Hell, we were even considering getting a small batch of frames in the future. But if they resist or do a shitty looking/working fix then of course I will do my best to spread the word and of course will cross them for future orders. That's it.

I actually do not mind a clamp adapter at all, and agree it might actually be better in some ways (the only issue I only had with those is that they sometimes collide with the bottle holder mounts or the bottle itself.

A friend and I are working with a manufacturer on two custom TI gravel frames. Due to miscommunication between their sales/manager and their engineers/designers, they made a mistake in the front derailleur mount. We specified clearly and many times that we did not want a welded mount, but something removable. The sales manager understood well that and confirmed that, but apparently in the final design that was left out and nobody noticed (I honestly looked at it, but thought it was indeed the corrrect design, apparently it wasn't). They are aware it was their mistake though.

In the end we are going 1x chainring, and we are left with this fixed in position. It is honestly a real pity, because otherwise the frame looks great amazing, the manufacturer did a great job with the welds and we  are  very happy how this turned out.

What can be done about it? The manufacturer says a screw-mount at this point is out of question, and so is re-making the frames, but that may be able to remove the mount and we can use a tube-clamped hanger if needed. I guess they would cut it out and polish?

- Do you think they can eventually get a decently looking tube doing this cutting it out and polishing the frame?
- How about structural integrity? any thoughts about this? would it be safe? or prone to failure/crack?

29er / Re: Lexon "Riot 10"
« on: November 18, 2023, 02:51:57 PM »
well built this bike is amazing :)

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