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Messages - Eddy_Twerckx

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Component Deals & Selection / Re: 3D Printed Saddles
« on: September 08, 2023, 11:49:37 AM »
I got the Power Mirror clone mounted and did a few rides. It’s not great. It looks exactly like the Power Mirror and shares the same dimensions, but they got the firmness completely wrong. The actual Power Mirror is firm in the back where the sit bones are and softer up front near “the goods.” This one is switched. The back area has the density of a used sponge and is basically useless. Meanwhile the front 3D material is rock hard and doesn’t cushion at all. So you sink in at the rear and it almost angles up to the front. Not to mention the rails are oddly placed and the entire saddle angles up towards the front pretty aggressively. It was difficult to even get a flat saddle angle. All in all it’s a for sure loser in my book.

I’d avoid for sure.

thx for your reply.

but i heard a lot of bad things about quality... ?

can you say me why do you ride a sl7 AND a clone from VB?
i am very interested...      :-D

I have the Tarmac SL7 as my main everyday bike. It’s an amazing bike. And I don’t want to crash and break it. So I bought the Velobuild 168 as a cheap race bike. It originally cost me less than $1000 total to get it race ready with parts I had laying around. So if I crashed it it would be better than crashing my nice SL7. I was really surprised (in a good way) by the quality of it and how it performed. It would be hard to tell the difference between the 168 and my SL7. So in short, I ride my SL7 mostly, but wanted a bike that rides similar that I can race on.

Edit: To answer your other questions. The derailleur hanger should be fine to use. But you can buy a direct mount for $20 and follow the directions from the 168 thread. I have links to everything I bought. For handlebars, I paid $80 for mine. It is a Kocevlo. It is stiff enough for my sprint. It also comes with all the headset parts you need. The other handlebar is The One Pro.

Hi @all,

I am just finishing the build of my Aerobike - it has become an Ican A40. I'll open a separate thread for that though.

Now, however, I would like to build a complete all-round performance bike next. It should be aerodynamic, but still ready for climbing.
The Tarmac SL7/8 and the Giant TCR fall into the same category.

It should please be from a reputable frame manufacturer and not a Velobuild, etc....

I thought I had found what I was looking for at Hygge, but after the latest findings I want to distance myself from this company.

I have already had the following frames under the magnifying glass:
Speeder sc52, yishun 1058-D light version, or adapt at-b01?
Speeder doesn't deliver the frame to Germany, Yishun doesn't sell to the end user or it takes 3-6 months and the lighter Version is not available at the moment. Adapt also normally does not sell directly and only accepts bank transfer to an account in Hong Kong in US dollars (that was too much for my Deutsche Bank... or it just costs immense fees...).

Do you guys have anything else in mind?
28mm tyre width or more, disc, fully integrated cable routing and 38cm wide handlebars.
I had the Giant TCR in M/L until an accident and I sat perfectly on it.

I also found a frame at Tantan ... But I don't know what to think of them....
The TT-X33 is pretty much identical to the SL7... but does it behave the same way? and is the quality satisfactory?

I would spend up to $1,000.... preferably with a custom paint job.... but that's not a 100% must.

Thank you for your help!

Curious why you say specifically no Velobuild. I’m on the 168 (Tarmac SL7 copy) and it’s been great. Fully integrated cables. Nearly as light as the SL7. A couple quirks but nothing major. I’m very happy with mine and I also ride an actual Tarmac SL7. The 168 is my race bike.

Did you have a bad experience with them? I would understand. I refuse to ever ride another Tan Tan after the absolutely horrible experience I had with not only the frameset (fork was misaligned, thru axles we’re too short, terrible quality all around) but more that their customer service was the worst I’ve experienced in my entire life. They even threatened to publish my home address and phone number to harass me. I wouldn’t ride their products if you paid me. So if it’s something like that I get it. Just curious why you aren’t considering them.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame
« on: September 07, 2023, 01:25:05 PM »
Anyone know where you can get a zero offset seat post for the VB-168?

Not available. I talked to velobuild and they have no plans for zero offset unfortunately. And as far as I know there are no other seatposts that fit.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame
« on: September 07, 2023, 01:24:07 PM »
Hi guys,

I'd like to know if someone is using a saddle with full carbon rails: in this case what kind of seatpost clamp are you using?

The standard one with the VB-R-168 seatpost is not designed to be used with full carbon rails.

Thanks, Luca

The standard seatpost is fine with carbon rails. What makes you think it isn’t?

Component Deals & Selection / Re: 3D Printed Saddles
« on: August 16, 2023, 12:06:15 PM »
Saddles seem more like a personal thing. Some shapes and materials work for some, but might not work for others. For the price though, I think the Lexon/Ryet 3D saddles are a good price to try them out. At least from a build POV, the carbon shell and rails are a step up from some of the cheaper carbon saddles. Also bike geometry does affect the fit from my experience using the same saddle, but different bike. If you don't like it, sell it or gift it to someone!

Oh for sure. The Power Mirror is my all time favorite saddle. But it’s pricey. So I was hoping to finding a cheaper replacement. But the issues with both the WestBiking and Romin Mirror make me think it’s the shape (they’re similar) rather than anything else. There is a Power Mirror copy on AliEx that looks promising. I may just give it a try.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: 3D Printed Saddles
« on: August 16, 2023, 09:54:58 AM »
Has anybody tried any of the AliE 3D printed saddles? A little expensive to buy on a whim to try, especially the one below that's around $170. But still way cheaper than Specialized or Fizik offerings. Curious how they feel.

So I tried the saddle from WestBiking and just didn’t get along with it. The fat part sits a little more rearward than my Power saddles, so I couldn’t get it in the right spot. It was too far back. And my VB 168 frame doesn’t have a zero setback option. I also tried a Romin Mirror and had the same issue with positioning. So it’s now sitting in the garage if anybody wants to buy it at a super discount. Tempted by the Ryet but 150 might be too wide.

Looking to upgrade one of my older road bikes with a integrated handlebar, mostly for the looks and feel. Bike is only used for light training on flats and indoors traning in the winter. Wanted spec: 380 wide, 90 stem and "modern/compact" with short reach to bends.

Been looking at below items - any recommendations/warnings on theese or others?



"Alanera" (DEDA copy?) (also available from Ullicyc)

The One Pro (pricey in comparison)

Ullicyc T-One (copy of The One Pro?

The Kocevlo and Ullicyc are the same bar and they are both copies of The One Pro with a different clamp design, but the stem and bars are the same. I bought both The One Pro and Kocevlo bars and they are identical apart from the steerer clamp. The One Pro were about 25g lighter (370g vs 395g); whether that's the clamp design (likely) or a different carbon layup, I couldn't tell any difference between the two. In the end, I went with the Kocevlo due to being half the price. They've been on my bike since May (you can search my posts) and I've raced them a dozen times or so. I like them and would buy again. They're plenty stiff for me and I'm around 85kg and can put out 1600W peak in a sprint. No flex I can feel. Finish is on par for AliEx bars and I don't have any safety concerns even at my weight. I ran mech 1x and now Di2, no issues with cable routing apart from the usual annoyances of fully internal bars. Couldn't tell you if they could handle 2x mech but they look to have ample room albeit a little tight.

For my main road bike, I have the Black Inc. copies. I paid around $80 and honestly, these are my favorite bars ever. They weigh 335g for 120/40 so not the lightest by any means. But they are a great bar. They have a little groove on the underside so I don't route internally but the cables remain mostly hidden. They aren't as flat on the tops but have an oval shape which I find super comfy riding on the tops and I wrap all the way to the stem. Stiff enough for my tastes as well. My only complain is the weight as I was looking to save grams, but even at that weight I haven't found a replacement that's better so they've been on for close to 2 years now.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: ELILEE Carbon Crankset
« on: August 03, 2023, 06:48:07 PM »
Not sure if there's threads here but there are plenty of people experiences over on the weight weenies forum.

Yea, I've read through that one. Wanted to see if anybody here had tried them but I'm sure it's a lot of the same people on both sites.

As long as you stick to hollow forged Shimano cranksets and not the hollow bonded aka glued. I believe the 12 speed Shimano cranksets are now all hollow forged.

Is that why they're like 50g heavier now?

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame
« on: August 03, 2023, 04:14:04 PM »
Thanks for the insights! Also great to hear you have some racing background to back up your opinion.
How would you rate the aero-ness of the 168 compared to the SL7?
I offen hear that Specialized nailed the aerodynamics in the SL7.
As the 168 is identical in geometry and very very similar in appearance (although not the same, as the genuine seatpost does not fit), I hope to get the same aerodynamics.
But its very hard to judge the tube shapes from pictures. Especially the tube widths (e.g. downtube width from the front perspective).

Could you notice any difference in tube shapes and the aero profiles?

Thanks a lot, Eddy!  ;)

It's really hard to tell without going to a wind tunnel, but I don't feel any slower on the 168. It's a really solid cheap bike that I am happy to race on. If it was a handful of watts slower I wouldn't be surprised but I don't think it's massive.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / ELILEE Carbon Crankset
« on: August 03, 2023, 04:12:04 PM »
Wondering if anybody has tried these and would give a review. I'm tempted to buy them with the 4 bolt spider and mount my Dura-Ace rings. Could be a savings of 100g over 9100 or over 150g savings over 9200 cranks. Price is tempting.

Thanks guys for all that gold informations here on the forum. After reading a lot of pages in this thread I ordered myself a 168. Communication with Chris was near perfect (sometimes answers took quite long). I ordered the frame without any stem or handlebar since I want to go with a own combo. Therefore I got a discount of 69$ and got the two color painting for „free“.

As Colors I chose Pantone 7471C and 232C fading from front to back and a nice stencil on the steerer. Yesterday I got the pictures of the finished painting and had a shock at first. Because the color which should have been turquoise was more greenish. Chris said color was correct also…I asked to get a picture in daylight (until now I did not get one). After a while I thought maybe their white balance in camera is totally off so I tuned the whitebalance and it seems they got the color correct.

Did you guys had some similar experiences?

I had a similar experience. I sent over the colors I wanted but the pictures they sent, everything looked super dark. The pink I wanted looked purple in their pictures and I was worried. But in the sun, it's looks just like I imagined. So maybe wait and see what it looks like in person.

Looks good! Really interested in your torough opinion on how the VB fares against your SL7. I am a bit hestinant as i want to build up a budget bike with a new 12spd Di2, but i sometimes hear that the 168 feels "sluggish"(?) conpared to an genuine Specialized.
You think it would be wasting to slap a new Ultegra Di2 onto such a "cheap" frame?

It's heavier by around 500-600g, but other than that I don't think I could tell the difference. It's been my race bike all season and I love it. The Tarmac is my normal everyday riding bike mainly for the setup/position. I just upgraded it to 12sp Di2 which is why the 11sp went on the 168. Basically, I went weight weenie and comfort for the SL7, while this bike is my "cheap" race bike. I wouldn't describe it as sluggish at all. For reference my FTP is around 330W with a sprint around 1,600W. It doesn't hold me back.

Which cockpit/handlebar is that? The stem seems longer than 120mm? I'm interested because options like these are rare.

120mm/40cm as stated above. Kocevlo (The One Pro) in the link above. Really nice bars for the price.

New groupset (Ultegra 11sp Di2). Went back to the LightBicycle AR45s with Challenge Criterium RS tires. Still need to bleed the brakes and weight it. 7.82kg as shown.

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