I'm building a lightweight climbing bicycle (the Aethos) and has anyone tried those lightweight carbon handlebars, those that weigh <200g? Especially the Kocelvo 150g bars. The ones I'm looking at currently is this Ryet brand:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001453428211.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.0.0.3515V7eVV7eVrP&mp=1. I've seen some topics discussed on how some lightweight handlebars are super flexy and have snapped for slightly heavier riders, but I weigh 60kg so I'm not sure if I should risk buying those flexy bars. Mostly looking for any firsthand inputs & recommendations.
Also looking for a pair of climbing wheels ideally 38 - 45mm, somewhere in the $1,400 CAD range.