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Messages - Coolh2o2

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Does anyone know if there's a china version of fidlock already? a link would be highly appreciated.

Metal Frames / Re: Chinese Titanium Frames...
« on: March 29, 2025, 08:00:32 PM »
Thanks for this. Here's the TL;DR on the Hi-Light G0 based on your pdf:

1. 45mm max tire clearance
2. ~$2190 USD
3. Looks really nice based on the photos


My take: the Waltlys are better priced at around $1600 for also a 3d printed bike, and based on this forum at least, has more of a track record.

Vendor Discussion & Reviews / Re: Velobuild quality & pricing
« on: March 17, 2025, 04:11:42 AM »
Velobuild is a good frame. Maybe not the best, but the price can't be beat. Specifically, I'd say: get the frame, get it painted elsewhere. I was happy with everything but the paint job. They even did an RMA on my fork when it developed a hairline crack, around a year after.

Do it if you want a shorter/ different length of crankset. The big brands are still stuck on 165-175mm. If you need something shorter, Evosid and Goldix make shorter lengths. Cruz Bikes too.

I've only tried their aluminum cranks. Haven't yet tried their carbon ones- if you have expereince, let me know I'm curious.

they're surely Yuanan. I messaged a few weeks ago, to get their latest price list, and the guy who responded had a COVET signature on his email. Then Yuanan went completely dark and don't sell to retail anymore, so they said on WhatsApp.

It seems on aliexpree there is a new carbon wheels brand, Covet.
Wait to hear some news about it

This is from Yuanan. Perhaps one big reason why they stopped selling to the public.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Evosid version of 5DEV cranks
« on: March 12, 2025, 05:48:33 AM »
I ended up getting a Goldix. It fit my bb better -snug not tight. Did I just luck out with my copy? Are Goldixs really better? We may never know. Lol.

Compatible, and they spin even better/ more freely than Shimano since they have bearings while Shimano only use bushings. I dont feel what the real world difference is when pedaling but it's a joy to see the jockey wheels spin freely for 5 seconds (no load) when shimano only manages like a full turn.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: 650B Carbon Wheelsets?
« on: March 09, 2025, 08:47:33 PM »
It seems like it, and yes, I bought my first wheelset from Yuanan around December as well, delivered January pre-Chinese New Year. After CNY, they seem to have changed their policies towards retail customers and are directing us to buy from EliteWheels instead. It's a price premium, but I guess same quality as the Yuanan unbranded ones. I was in the middle of finalizing my specs when I stopped getting responses from them. When I messaged their WhatsApp, I was redirected to the EliteWheels website.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / 650B Carbon Wheelsets?
« on: March 08, 2025, 01:00:24 AM »
I see that there are a lot of wheel manufacturers here, but I don't see too many carrying 650B gravel. I was able to order from Yuanan but it seems like they're moving away from the retail OEM market - so that's a no go. Ceramic Speed and Tagoola both only carry 700c (it seems). Can anyone point me to a good and tried/ tested manufacturer carrying 650b? On a side note, I actually thought 650b was gaining popularity, so it's weird to see that these companies don't carry even a few options.

same with me and WhatsApp. They're even dropping the charade cos the lady who responded to me was from Elitewheels... I'm happy to keep the charade up if it means I get branded-level wheels for half the price! End of an era. Sad.

Anyone in touch with Yuan an recently? I'm trying to get a 2nd order in, but they haven't been v responsive. Appreciate any working leads w them. I do like their wheels

Metal Frames / Re: Chinese Titanium Frames...
« on: February 22, 2025, 04:07:00 AM »
I did ask them, and they didn't give me a price, but they did give me the name of their local distributor. I also found out that their G0 gravel isn't out til May - so we don't know its pricing yet either.

Metal Frames / Re: Chinese Titanium Frames...
« on: February 11, 2025, 09:02:25 AM »
Does anyone know how much a Hi-light G0 3d printed bike costs? Just want to get an understanding of the prices of 3d titanium nowadays

Metal Frames / Re: 3d printed Ti frames
« on: February 11, 2025, 08:11:45 AM »
To be honest when I was in the boutique in Beijing it was difficult to converse. The sales agents don't speak any English and even with a native speaker it is tricky because bike components have completely different translations in Chinese so unless your translator is a cycling person you struggle to get very far...

But weirdly you have to order from Taobao despite being in the physical shop. Then they ship it to you from the factory which is in Hebei.

There's dealers outside China but most seem to have a decent mark up vs Chinese prices.

But the quality of the frames are great. This is my new build with the R7.2.

Can you share how much you got your hi-light bike for, or how much a G0 is going for? I am in contact with a local distributor but the prices they're quoting are a bit much. I wonder how much I can get it for in China then just ship it over.

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