Hey guys,
A long time lurker, and have been looking for a new carbon road sled on and off for a year now. I am aware of the "trusted" dealers like velobuild for frames. However, I'd be willing to spend more to get a complete bike. I am a total noob for bike assembly, and not sure if my local bike shop would work on a chinese OEM frame. I am interested in Costelo bikes, they are mainly sold on Aliexpress, don't really have a website, so not sure what that means in terms of legitimacy. Just wondering if anyone has any dealings with them!
here is their AliExpress store
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000295569106.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.17a33c00Zz90Ez&mp=1 this is the bike I am looking at getting, their version of the Venge!