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Messages - Phaxe

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Component Deals & Selection / Re: Chinese cycling clothes
« on: September 05, 2024, 08:04:41 PM »
Yesterday received spexcel top and penis knockoff bibs (pimmer) - I can't believe how far Chinese cycling clothing has come over the years. Both are excellent, I'd say the PNS bibs are about 85% of the real deal, and good enough for training.

The Spexcel top is lovely, apart from the zip. I just wish the Chinese clothing had better zips, but apart from that, all ok!

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: GRX 820 or LTWOO eGR?
« on: September 04, 2024, 07:41:18 PM »
Your opinion is based on personal experience?  ::)

As someone currently on a mechanical GRX bike and also someone who is running 2 ER9 bikes, if I was starting fresh I'd easily go eGR. Proper 2x 14500 battery selection, correct cable installation w/preventative weatherproofing measures and buying from a legit store (like the 80 Design store on AliEx) should minimize any issues. Also I'd even consider buying a backup RD, not because I think the unit will go bad, because you're more likely to crash it on a trail as opposed to being on the road. Total cost would still be less than SRAM 13 speed XPLR and the EGR is already a 13 speed groupset.

I'd say 80% of DIY bike builders are screwing up something along the process. I certainly mess up on occasion, but I refuse to go into Karen-mode pointing fingers unless I've exhausted all possible solutions to fixing the problems.

 I went with eGR. Zero regrets so far (1000km in)

God I hope that OSPW isn't the only option

The translation I ran on it says "The lower guide wheel adopts a hollow design, which is very technological, giving "empty benefits".

I lol'd.

I do think the groupset looks pretty damn good though!

I've seen several mentions about tires ~45mm, I'll add some of my own experiments:
 I'm a fan of 2x AXS and I managed to bypass the limitations of the non-wide front derailleur (42c max) and install a Speedero 44 in the rear (45.5mm with 24 hook inn).
 The Airwolf frame itself is indeed similar to Aspero in terms of tire clearance - I got acceptable gaps of 4mm in the chainstays.
 As for the front AXS derailleur - I managed to get a +2mm tire clearance extension in the battery area (3.5mm in total) by making a spacer for the front derailleur mount, and derailleur frame remained within adjustment tolerances for the combination with non-wide Red + 43-30 rings.

This is why I love this forum - ingenuity at its best. What material did you use for the 3D print?

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: August 30, 2024, 07:07:43 PM »
Welp, I'm about to find out what it's like to reach out to Ltwoo. I had a bit of a crash late yesterday evening riding some proper gravel track about 10 miles or so from my house. I went over the bars and my bike went elsewhere and bent the eGR. It almost looked rideable, but then after a few strokes trying to ride it the chain sucked the derailleur into the wheel. I spent a few minutes untangling everything and managed to get it free and clear of the wheel and the cassette. After that, I really don't know how, it was shifting again and I was able to ride it home. I spent the rest of that ride home puzzling over in my head how it could still be shifting smoothly while it was obviously bent all to hell (I stuck to a few speeds in the middle of the cassette and avoided the extremes to avoid dropping my chain). It was pitch dark when I got home so all I did was hose the bike down and put it away. I haven't been able to give it a proper post-mortem and see what's salvageable and not. From what little I did see, my derailleur hanger looks straight as an arrow but the first part of the eGR that connects to my hanger looks bent badly. I didn't bother looking at the jockey wheel cage but I assume that's got some bend as well. I suspect it still shifted smoothly because the parallelogram which contains all of the shifting mechanism and geometry was still internally aligned. I'll post some pics once I have a chance to look at it and also reach out to Ltwoo and see if any of my bent parts can be obtained from them instead of scrapping the whole thing.

oh mate, the most important thing is that you're ok. Parts are replaceable.

You can use an XD cassette on an XDR hub. You'll need a 1.85mm spacer behind the cassette. This is how I run the Eagle cassette on my gravel bike.

exactly what I'm doing.

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: August 28, 2024, 01:47:07 AM »
Both my road bikes are running Ltwoo ER9 and they've been running flawlessly. I've been tempted to go electronic with all my bikes, though I'm hesitant with my gravel setup just incase something happens while I'm on a remote trail in the mountains. The other thing is I'm not entirely convinced I'll stay 1x, I also like 2x gravel as well. I'm currently using  2x Ultegra shifters, so it'd be easy to drop a mechanical FD if I switch back.

I went with a 42 up the front, and a 10-50 at the back, and that gives me fairly wide gearing that's similar to what I had with the 2x. I'm thinking of getting a 40 or maybe even a 38 up front to give me just a little more on the steep hills we have around where I live.

Otherwise, colour me dead impressed with this groupset.

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: August 27, 2024, 06:40:35 PM »
Can anyone give feedback switching from a mechanical 1x setup to the electronic eGR? I'm curious if you found the upgrade worth it on a 1x setup?

I went from a 2x mech to 1x eGR. Because I've had no issues with mine, I would say yes, totally worth it. It meant a lot less hassle routing cables through the frame, and the shifting once dialed in is flawless. But it's worth bearing in mind that this groupset I think can still be considered 'in testing'. I'm not sure I would have the confidence to take this bike packing on a multi day adventure and feel secure in the knowledge that there will be no issues.

Okay, so an update. I torqued it to 10Nm and it looked great, no problems for two rides. But the last ride a little headset play returned and upon checking the torque on the expander bolt it was loosened quite a bit. Should I use loctite or similar on the expander bolt to avoid it from loosening from the vibrations?

I don't think it would hurt.

I wonder whether these might help with the issue?


Saying that "counterfeiting is OK because the brands would otherwise rip me off" is ridiculous. To me, it's more like "fake=bad, real=?"

I didn't say that.

I own an s-works sl6 and love it. It's my road bike, and it's a beast to ride.

I believe we're both talking the same language. Where I take umbrage is in the steep barrier to entry when it comes to cycling, and 'the scene'. Value is something that's important to most people, and there isn't value to be found in the upper echelon of cycling.

With that said, I believe you're 100% right. Open moulds and the Chinese brands who are doing their own R&D and manufacturing are the ones that are offering true competition in the world of cycling.

But I don't begrudge anyone who doesn't have the means, to want to build up an expensive replica knowing the potential headaches they'll face when building and riding it.

I always find these discussions fascinating. Real vs Fake vs Counterfeit.

The motive and intent behind such purchases becomes crucial. Strictly as an experiment or test case I can understand the rationale. Sometimes we subconsciously look to the forums for validation to justify our purchases. The overwhelming number of replies I've seen in here over the years point to fake/counterfeit frames being a bad idea for the variety of aforementioned reasons.

So ultimately it comes down to what purpose a fake frame will serve. Your money your choice end of the day.

For context, I looked into getting a counterfeit Rolex Submariner over 3 years ago. Even back then the VSF Chinese factories practically perfected the Submariner. I can't imagine what tiny nuances they've improved on these days. But in the end I settled on a super high quality homage watch. Almost identical specs as the Rolex, and comes with a warranty. The brand isn't trying to pass their watch off as Submariner which I appreciate.

The irony here is the fake frame and fake Rolex both could pose injury to the owner. If you know what I mean...

I think your analogy hits the nail on the head. (btw, the VSF is now indistinguishable :P)

I built up a knock off aspire 5, but make no bones about telling people it's a rep. It was an exercise in curiosity, and the bike is great. Would I do it again? Probably not, but I'm glad I did, it was interesting!

QC? I don't think so.

If I'm spending north of $15,000 on a bike, I don't want a single defect anywhere at any point on the bike, but it's just not the case. Time and time again, big name brands are producing rubbish and fleecing their customers. I think the argument is more nuanced than fake=bad, real=good.

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: August 18, 2024, 05:53:48 PM »
I might be installing this group on someone's bike. The description by LTWoo about the calipers is throwing me off. They say its not flat mount, its not compatible with standard spacing and you would need a flat mount adapter to be purchased separately. What other parts does one need exactly for it to fit onto flat mount frame/fork? I see they include an adapter, is that not enough?

I was thrown by this as well, but after reading trbike's write up on his website, and installing it myself, I think ltwoo have it wrong. What they provide in the kit fits flat mount without any issue.

I'm reposting his write up - hopefully he doesn't mind. I found it very useful for my install.

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: LTWOO eGR
« on: August 18, 2024, 06:42:25 AM »
I just hit 500km of pretty gnarly gravel on the eGR groupo. It's performed like a champion, no complaints so far.

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