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Messages - Stoemper

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Received my frame and wheels today :) paint job looks stunning but as others mentioned I doubt it’s even clear coated at all and I’m seriously concidering applying one before I build up the bike. And the frame had a random additional painted stripe I had not requested, but it looks nice so probably some finishing touch of the painter  ;D

Yeah agree, the main reason I build up my own bike is because I get to design my own bike and not cycle around with some giant brand billboard ruining the aesthetics.

Nice colours! Now I am jeaolous u guys have such nice colours and I went to a "conservative" one.

hehe next time you know what to do. I build my previous bike 10 years ago with a chinese frame and used matt black. so this time i went for the opposite :D

Little update, received pictures of the paint job of my frame. Sadly it apparently will take another 30 days until it arrives. But im happy how it turned out. Bought a gold KMC chain and brown leather bartape to go with it. Now i need to find a brown sadle to match it.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: TPU vs Latex innertube
« on: March 16, 2024, 06:06:03 PM »
I went tubeless but I regret it. It rides slightly better and I haven’t had a flat since riding on them but recently replaced my back tire because it was worn and changing it was one big mess with semi dried up goop and I quickly regretted my choice

I emailed LC last night regarding the super light version in size 56. They replied within 3 hours, which was a welcomed surprise. The sales rep was polite, detailed, and it was obvious she was well-informed. All the molds for each frame size are finished, however current production time for a size 56 is one month.

I'm not sure whether or not LC and I will be collaborating as far as video content goes, but the price and initial customer service experience is enough to make me wanna purchase a frameset regardless.

I had the same experience with them I dealt with Wendy. Very helpful and patience selecting the parts. I ordered a 56 2 weeks ago. She said back then 54 was also available

it's more inline with the Merida scultura (endurance) and the previous model of the factor O2 VAM. 

You're a hero. Well done and thank you. Alisa is my sales rep at LT. That LT301 looks a LOT like the LT268 that I have, to the point that beyond the frame box, i'm not sure what's different. Weight i guess? Maybe manufacturing process?

The whole "squares are stronger than tubes" sounds wrong. And those boxy tubes look like buses, and buses aren't aerodynamic. Weird. Aero frames always were about tear drop shapes with the tail cut out. Not a box exposed to the wind...

Velobuild is a broker. Light Carbon & Long Teng are factories.

Awesome to learn that LT makes Argon frames, that just upped my bragging rights.

the tube is under an angle and there is a wheel infront of it. So while its certainly not aero optimised I think the penalty will be minimal, certainly if your not a pro

Your all aero experts now?  ;D

On Long Teng. Contact I only have good things to say about the 268, i bought 2. full build with 32C 50+mm deep wheels is 7.5kg. The next frame i get is likely to be a 266 (for the mountains).
So get a 266 and let me know how it is :)
The gloss finish is awesome, depending on the light you can see the carbon below. The black matte is nice, but the gloss is super nice.
i got 36cm bars from Airwolf, love them. Uber stiff. Allegedly full T1100.

looks good!

I ended up ordering the 56, the geometry is very similar to my current frame. but I ordered a smaller handle bar (46 to 42) and a shorter stem which should both ease the position.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: 3D Printed Saddles
« on: March 04, 2024, 05:28:20 PM »
I noticed the front being slightly more wide, this seams to be the case with most short nose saddles. Did two indoor zwift trainings on mine no miracle saddle but atleast it’s a better than my previous saddle so that’s some progress

At first I had the feeling that I was sitting too stretched out and I moved the saddle completely forward.
Somehow everything seemed longer than I thought...
In the meantime I have moved the saddle back a bit and feel very comfortable in my current position.

I was initially thinking about ordering a 10 cm stem - but I have now discarded that idea.

The bike is really fun, especially on undulating / hilly or mountainous courses.

from the picture it did seem like you have a big drop, that is holding me from ordering. Im getting closer to 40 and was never really flexible to begin with :P

Just wired the money for a 56 frame with 90*420mm handlebar/stem will take prob 2 months until it arrives

Unfortunately, I only had the option of a 20 mm offset at the time

would you have like the 0 offset? how does your bike ride and how is the fitting?

i have the same length and inseam as you, and since the reach of my current 56 always felt slightly to long i think i will go for a 54 with 100mm stem (vs 56 with 100 now)

Component Deals & Selection / Re: 3D Printed Saddles
« on: February 25, 2024, 04:07:53 PM »
I‘ve got a ryet:

Going to sell it again as it‘s killing my bib shorts :(
Its spurt comfy but I need something narrow or closed cells on the edges.

Yikes, I was worried that would be the case. I’m waiting for mine

Is token available in your area? I have a T47:24mm spindle Token BB with steel bearings on my Seka. No complaints, spins smooth.

I’m planning to buy black bearing with skf bearings

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