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Messages - Mo/RAD

Pages: [1]
29er / Re: Epic Evo Clone
« on: May 10, 2024, 07:40:33 AM »
I just ordered a frame from Airwolf via ebay on May 7th. Say it will arrive by June 18th. So far no indication from seller of order status. Hopefully it goes smoothly and it is delivered by then.

Anyway, I saw on the frame specs that the fork offset for this frame is 44mm, but the fork that I have is 51mm offset. How much do you think this will affect the handling?

Yeah, it was pretty much radio silence from Airwolf when I ordered on ebay. I ended up cancelling that order as they never provided a tracking (even though they said "its ready to ship" for over a week.  It was ordered on march 10th, so hopefully you make out better. My order with AWST via Ali says "shipped" but the tracking number they provided has no status after a couple days- I suspect they got the tracking number but haven't actually shipped it yet.

29er / Re: Epic Evo Clone
« on: May 08, 2024, 03:01:44 PM »
Anyone order one of these frames from Airwolf or AWST recently? I placed with Airwolf via Ebay back on march 10th with a "late" delivery by April 15.  it was essentially radio silence with them during that time (I swear I wasn't being too annoying about it lol).  to hedge my bets, I ordered the same from AWST via Aliexpress.  A bit more communicative, but both companies are currently late.  Through Aliexpress I extended the delivery (after asking AWST if they need more time, which they said "yes please!"). At this point I'm debating if I just kill both of these orders and go buy a specialized epic evo.

Any reason why both of these companies are this way?  Just too busy?  do they actually sell frames anymore?  I gave Airwolf 2 months and still don't have a tracking number (they said "its all packed up ready to go, but we don't have a tracking number yet" after I opened a complaint with Ebay and forced their hand essentially).  Am I truly being impatient or justified in my "WTF"?

29er / Re: Epic Evo Clone
« on: April 05, 2024, 09:01:15 AM »
Hi All, been following this thread for a while- saw this on Aliexpress- Looks like maybe they have actual evo linkage now?

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