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Messages - James dean

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Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: No6 wheels
« on: September 18, 2024, 11:32:18 AM »
Again appreciate the help.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: No6 wheels
« on: September 18, 2024, 09:16:36 AM »
Thank you sir

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: No6 wheels
« on: September 18, 2024, 08:51:25 AM »
Hey toxin

Thank you unfortunately both options are too expensive for a winter wheel set. Ultegra wheels for me will be cheaper.

Thanks so much anyways. Sent u a pm

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: No6 wheels
« on: September 18, 2024, 08:11:27 AM »
The spec offered by XMC is 100% with carbon spokes. Basically i saw the norcal video, looked at the n6 link, chatted up Peter to see if he could build something similar and for how much. Carbon spokes is a feature, not just a way to reduce weight, so we picked the rim of the (almost) same depth, (almost) same width, same spokes (ie carbon), same hubs (ie ceramic bearings), resulting in (almost) the same weight.

@serge and @toxin.

If you were building a set of wheels to ride in winter 30-35 mm depth around 1200 granms 21 internal 28 external. Nothing fancy how would you build them. I need a set of winter trainers and can’t figure out where or who to use.

Thank you so much gentlemen

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: No6 wheels
« on: September 17, 2024, 05:52:55 PM »
The vast majority of non-bonded carbon spokes come from STREN, including all the western brands that use such carbon spokes (Cadex, Scope, Newmen, Black inc, Hunt and more). Winspace were one of the first to use them in mass production. Farsports make their own that they provide to some other brands. Lightbicycle might be making their own as well, not sure. I've heard conflicting things about CRW. CC Joe made it sound like they're a CRW in-house product but another wheel manufacturer says they also come from stren. Komcas (Superteam) has one design to make 1cm wide spokes that I haven't seen anywhere else. These spokes all require special hub and nipple interfaces due to the way the carbon fibres are locked with the metal parts. They are all much stronger than steel spokes and very impact resistant.

There is another type, which tries to emulate regular steel spoke interfaces by bonding the metal parts with the carbon in order to be able to use regular nipples and hubs. This type of design was implemented very poorly by Lightbicycle early on and their were spokes notoriously failure prone. Some customers recieved their wheels with almost all the spokes debonded from their intefaces out of the box. There is an improved version of this type of design that mitigates this by introducing barbs and some other stuff inside the metal bits to better retain the carbon. I haven't heard of failures with these but it is a fundamentally inferior design at the end of the day. I have absolutely no idea who makes them but they're available through Nextie, Aliexpress, EIE, Deerobust and others. They offer no advantage beyond compatibility with traditional hubs and I wouldn't use them over good steel spokes, tiny weight saving be damned.

No6 wheels are Farsports through and through, I could email Farsports right now and I could have my order in production by tommorrow with the exact same parts as No6 for a little more than half the price. They are not the only marketing brand doing this. I saw another yesterday and I thing there are at least another two I don't remember and probably several more I haven't heard of.

I was also asking because I don't see carbon spokes available on xmcarbonspeed website but I have a hard time imagining how they could get to that weight without them.

Thank you for this your knowledge is amazing man. Love reading your posts.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: No6 wheels
« on: September 17, 2024, 02:22:06 PM »
Peter from Xiamen carbon speed can make a spec very similar to N6 wheels (as per my previous post) for much less money.
Also, and obviously, if indeed it's Farsports that makes the rims /wheels for N6, then Farsports can probably make the same spec for less money, but i havent chatted with Windy in a long time because she's been on maternity leave so someone would have to confirm that.

Thank you

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: No6 wheels
« on: September 17, 2024, 12:32:51 PM »
He doesn't make n6 wheels, toxin's been saying n6 gets their rims from farsports. I wrote that he can make a very similar spec for much less money.
Peter does OEM for brands we all know but i've been asked not to say because it's the sort of things brands dont like advertised in the open.

Thanks so much for all the replies although I’m so confused. Who can make a far less spec for less money?


Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: No6 wheels
« on: September 17, 2024, 11:33:29 AM »
He does. In 33/34mm wide, he's got 35, 40, 50, 65mm depths.

I haven't ridden N6 wheels, nor carbon spoked wheels. I have 8k+ km on wheels from Peter though (55&58mm deep, steel spokes) and I'm super pleased w them. I've used Farsports wheels for many years, and couldn't tell them apart (afaik, T800 is what it is, sapim cx ray ditto, & a hub is a hub). In fact if you're using the same materials and specs, i really dont think anyone could tell wheelsets apart. I've bought 5 sets from Peter and we're all v happy with them.

Can I ask what other wheels Peter makes besides number 6.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: No6 wheels
« on: September 17, 2024, 09:34:12 AM »
I saw
Norcal does say paid promotion...
Out of curiosity, I asked Peter from Xiamen Carbon speed for a similar setup to see if these wheels were magical or not. I wont share prices because i've already ordered quite a bit from him so i get special pricing; he can do full T800, 50mm 50mm (D50CU-33), 33/34mm wide (depends where you look on the rim), at 1310g w ceramic bearings, or 1320g w steel bearings (there's a material price difference between ceramic and steel, and i wouldn't buy ceramic myself because i'm yet to see any evidence it saves you even 1W, but i do know for a fact that bearings are more fragile, and last less).

So, given the n6 wheels are 45&50, we're at 1260vs1310, but the price difference is absolutely massive. I wonder how much Norcal is making from each wheelset he sells.
Idk where the 50g difference is, whether it's rim, hub or spokes. But i know that 80+kg me would save my money and accept the 50g penalty...

Can you share your thoughts on the wheels if you have ridden them? I’m not expecting these to be the next best thing to slice bread but wondering what your thoughts are.

Thank you

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: No6 wheels
« on: September 16, 2024, 05:38:47 PM »
That's a little winspace shill and winspace also does not own the factory but use one of the big one in xiamen. Winspace just does r&d and give the instructions to the manufacturer. It's funny that those factories produce wheels for like 30 brands and the ladies that make those wheels don't care which wheel they doing, they just get instructions with how carbon layers should be done and that's all.

Actually Yuan an is the company that owns their own factory and do their own r&d and use this in their brand - elite wheels. Of course most of the production is still outsourcing for western brands.

Yeah I have seen that video. It’s great. It’s just like the bikes 3 or 4 majors producing everyone’s bikes.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: No6 wheels
« on: September 16, 2024, 04:10:27 PM »
There are few manufacturers. Rest are just marketing companies that but rims from one of this big factory and out their branding.

Crazy the way this industry works

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: No6 wheels
« on: September 16, 2024, 01:01:21 PM »
It’s crazy just how many wheel manufacturers are out of xiamen. I can’t really see a lot of differences between all the manufacturers. Most offer the same depths and carbon spokes. Elite for the price I think are great wheels

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« on: September 11, 2024, 07:21:46 PM »
I cant remember the last time I bought a bike with the thought of resale. Hell Im the guy who always sells his stuff way too cheap.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« on: September 11, 2024, 10:21:46 AM »
With the exception of 1 to 2 road races a year, I stopped racing crits a couple of years ago. My anxiety for crashing and frail ego of getting dropped is high. Tough to make videos with a broken collarbone.

This week I took my buddy down to our flagship Specialized shop to purchase an Allez Sprint complete bike. I think he paid around $3000 before taxes. Beforehand he asked my thoughts about going with Specialized, and I did my best to consider all factors. He's new to the sport and most likely won't ride more than 50 miles a week. But then again he might just fall in love and go all in.

Could I have recommended a more affordable Chinese alternative with better wheels? Absolutely. But then I would be accountable for spec'ing all the components, building up the frameset, servicing it, and dealing with any future issues. Because we're buddies. It's a lot to take in for a new customer. He will have the peace of mind of local after sales support and warranty.

My Tavelo (Attack) is really good. $1500. Especially paired with a set CRW wheels. Both of which I paid for. It has very refined riding dynamic, and smoother than my T1500. Most likely the Arow is a blend of both the Attack and T1500 combined. But spending $2000 to find out if it can come close to my Propel would put me in the poor house.

Totally agree. At the end of the day we have one set of legs. Truth be told no new bike will make us 5km/h faster it’s just nice to get something new:)

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« on: September 11, 2024, 08:44:54 AM »
I think there is a market for all these bikes. The problem in the cycling industry is most people are sheep and believe that western brands are better then Chinese. That might be true as some Chinese brands have crap QC. I think the Chinese brands will flip the western in the next 10 years. Funny we all accept the western brands after they sponsor a world tour team. Factor was no one b4 ag2r. Van Rysel same. I own a spear and \i think its the best bike I have ridden. When people smart up and realize the Chinese are building some of the best bikes the industry will finally change. Kudos to everyone here riding a Chinese bike.

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