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Messages - rurock

Pages: [1]
26er & 27.5 (650b) / Re: 29 or 27,5
« on: October 23, 2015, 05:07:00 AM »
Thanks for the reply.
XC- Bike? Yes, but no (more) racing planned.
5'9": No, (sorry for the mishap)I am a rather short legged 1,70m or if I do it right a bit less then 5'8.
As said, my Enduro Bike is a Canyon Spectral 27,5  16" Frame and feels just right.
For less demanding /flat Terrain I have a 29 Canyon Nerve (100mm fullsus) in size M. This is the one I do not feel comfortable with. Great bike but it just does not feel right for me. Even on flat single track I seem to have troubles to keep the bike on speed in thight sections. Doesit have to dowith the size,the wheelsize or just the weight of the bike? I felt even more confy on my 26 RM Vertex,but agree that a bigger wheelsize brings Advantage,but if Ineeda29er is still anopenquestion. Guess I just need to testride both Options to find the answer

29er / xx-036 frame size 15,5
« on: October 06, 2015, 07:21:30 AM »
Does somebody have a Picture and/or build a 036 Frame in size 15.5"?

26er & 27.5 (650b) / 29 or 27,5
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:53:31 AM »
Hi, I am still in doubt if I should go for a 29 or 27,5 Frame (xx-156 vs. xx-036 or xx-196 vs. xx-256).
I am currently riding an 27.5 Enduro FS bike (150mmTravel,16"frame) and a more CC oriented FS(100mm travel) 29er 17,5" frame.
I have the feeling that the 29er wheels/bike are too big a size for me. I am 5'9" with an inseem of 28,7" (73 cm).
I guess the Frame size should anyway be 15,5" or 16". (are there any pics of a 15,5"xx.036 Frame on the Forum?)
Looking for a CC/light trail build and my1st thought was the CS-156. However looking at the CS-196SL build on the Forum this might be the Frame of choice. Still the wheelsize remains open for me.

Would love to read your experience on the best wheel size.

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