Correct, it's a lot more common than you'd think. There are times where people will just "drop ship" random parts, where they make a pretty website and use software that will just redirect your order through a seller on Aliexpress and upcharge 200-1000%. There are other sellers that work with Chinese companies, test out products, offer suggestions and work with them on product development, then sell the best product they can. The goal is to determine whether a company is just a drop-shipper or more of a true business. This seems like it's one of the cases where Sixmo just creates a storefront that purchases the item and it'll ship to you from China, but at least they went one step further and had custom decals made. The website is super basic, there's a claim about long shipping times, and the descriptions read like they aren't a suspension enthusiast. The word is damper, not dampener, things like that. I would love to be proved wrong though, but if you wanted to try it out I would guess they are the same product as the Aliexpress link, so just save $350 and order from the source.