Yep... And that goes back to my thread about not buying fakes because of how shady the whole thing gets the moment you start asking questions... If i spend 500$ on a frame, I ask questions. If i am asked to shell $1000, i ask even more questions 
I see where you're coming from, and I understand why you hold that perspective.
You're likely looking for technical details, but that depends on whether the sellers are directly involved in manufacturing or just third-party resellers. For the same reason, my local seller probably couldn't answer detailed questions about frame production. Even with well-known Western brands, you'd likely not get more than, "
that's proprietary information." I get that those brands have already built a certain level of trust. But when buying a frame from Asia, there’s always some degree of risk. You never really know if the answers you get are accurate or just what the seller thinks you want to hear anyway - and that applies not only to those selling fakes (e.g. Winspace telling the guy that the disgusting BB is ok is a good example)
My perspective is much more cynical - I am suspicious of the answers regardless of the seller. Perhaps it's the experimental scientist in me, but ultimately all we can rely on is empirical testing and first-hand experience with a reasonable sample size is what really matters imo. At the end of the day, it all comes down to how much of a gambler you are.
Edit: That is why people like Pat above are such a fantastic resource