Author Topic: Pivot bearings on Ican S8 attached with c-clips?  (Read 1889 times)


Pivot bearings on Ican S8 attached with c-clips?
« on: February 08, 2018, 08:51:42 PM »
Hey everyone,

Long time listener, first time caller here. I recently built a size 20.5" Ican S8 and found to my great displeasure about 2mm of side-to-side play in all of the pivot bearings on the frame. I disassembled them and found that instead of Loctite, they were secured with c-clip springs.
I've never seen, heard of, or read about c-clips being used to hold suspension pivot bearings into a frame. Unfortunately, the bike is in the shop, so I don't have any pictures. Has anyone ever experienced this with a frame? I've browsed every build thread I can find, but everyone else's bearings seem to be properly installed in their frames.
I decided to go with the S8 based on the geometry and other users' positive experiences with their P8 frames, which seems to be as close to a trail bike as the major Chinese manufacturers produce.

I had my local shop loctite the bearings into the frame, but that has only solved about 75% of the flex in the back end of the bike. It's also interesting that KHS is selling the S8 as a "Team 29 FS." Other than the weird back end looseness, the bike rides great and absolutely rips downhill. This frame is certainly one of the most progressive XC bikes on the market at the moment.


Re: Pivot bearings on Ican S8 attached with c-clips?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2018, 10:06:52 AM »
I've never had suspension bearings held in with a c-clip, and I definitely advise against locktite.

When I replace suspension bearings, I apply a thin layer of assembly grease. Proper torque should remove play. As a last resort, you could try using some shims/washers if there's play in the bearings at torque.


Re: Pivot bearings on Ican S8 attached with c-clips?
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2018, 09:58:33 PM »
I've never had suspension bearings held in with a c-clip, and I definitely advise against locktite.

The shop used blue loctite, and it seems to have done the trick of securing the bearings. There's no play in any of them now, compared to the ~.25 inch of movement before. I'm still perplexed that a reputable manufacturer would use such a shoddy assembly on a frame that's being sold to OEM customers.