He probably works for Hongfu. That or he felt compelled just to join and post that? 
Hey, i'm not trying to be a dick, but in all fairness when dealing with these Chiner companies you do need to know how these transactions work. Now, i'm not sticking up for anyone or any company specifically. It's difficult to know exactly where these open mold frames are physically made. I'm sure Peter from Carbon Speed doesn't manufacture all the frames he sells. Hongfu, Dengfu, Workswell, Ican or whomever never makes all the frames they sell. These companies do deals with each other and give permission to sell each others frames. Hell, some of the places don't produce products at all, they are just re-sellers.
In this case here, the buyer was not happy waiting for as long as he did to receive his frame. So, he decided to purchase it from another seller who had it in stock. Through the buyers own words he mentioned he "assumed" the frame was in stock from Hongfu. The first mistake Hongfu made was to tell him to purchase it through Aliexpress. That to me right there throws up a red flag. I have only dealt with the selling companies directly. It's possible they were trying to get the sale straight away knowing they did not have the frame in stock. Bad business practices for sure! In the early discussions it appears Honfu told the buyer the frame was in production and then would need to be painted. If that is true then the buyer should expect to pay some recovery fee for a project that had been started, even though it's supposed to be an item that would usually be stocked (or maybe they had to order it from another company and the frame was in production). The buyer requested the order be canceled even though it had been started. Hongfu then decided to force the frame down the buyers throat, which in my opinion, has done nothing but cause bad blood and horrible reviews. Well deserved by them. Hopefully the credit card company can get this sorted and funds returned.
Moral of the story, either verify for sure the seller has the frame in their hands, or search around for someone trustworthy that does. If neither of these situations can be verified, then be prepared to wait a long time to receive your frame. Do not be in a hurry!
Just my $.02 worth