Author Topic: 29ER ICAN P9 fork offset  (Read 2026 times)


29ER ICAN P9 fork offset
« on: April 08, 2019, 07:14:13 PM »
I am building up a P9 frame this spring. 29er. I am wondering what fork offset would work best on this frame? I will probably use an MRP 160mm Ribbon fork. Maybe something else if I find another fork I like.


Re: 29ER ICAN P9 fork offset
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2019, 02:50:49 AM »
It depends how you want the bike to handle, how you like to ride. I found a huge thread on MTBR talking about fork offset, very interesting to read.

I'm used to ride my XC bike (69 HTA) with an old rockshox with 46mm offset, when i tested a bike with 51 offset and same HTA, i found more or less what is said on MTBR. I prefer my 46 offset ;)