Author Topic: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet  (Read 35088 times)


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #105 on: June 25, 2022, 07:22:36 PM »
Built a pair of carbon hoops using these, came out pretty light for being "all-mountain" rims, just over 1600g. The spoke lengths Ztto provided was pretty much spot on.


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #106 on: June 30, 2022, 11:16:46 AM »
I was getting close to pulling the trigger on a set of these M1 boost centerlock and it says plenty are in stock but they can't be shipped to the United States.  I found other AlixExpress stores that will ship and I found them on Walmart but I'd prefer to get straight from Ztto.  I sent them a message but time difference means they won't reply.  Trying to figure out if I build myself or order full wheels from BTLOS before their free shipping ends.  Has anyone in the United States been able to order directly from Ztto official store on aliexpress?


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #107 on: June 30, 2022, 01:27:13 PM »
I was getting close to pulling the trigger on a set of these M1 boost centerlock and it says plenty are in stock but they can't be shipped to the United States.  I found other AlixExpress stores that will ship and I found them on Walmart but I'd prefer to get straight from Ztto.  I sent them a message but time difference means they won't reply.  Trying to figure out if I build myself or order full wheels from BTLOS before their free shipping ends.  Has anyone in the United States been able to order directly from Ztto official store on aliexpress?

I just received a set from ZTTO Bike store. I am not sure if that is their official store or not.  I guess I assume it was.


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #108 on: July 04, 2022, 01:26:42 PM »
I had the splines on the ratchet drive ring shear off yesterday.  The hub started making a sound when ratcheting, kind of a louder gyrating noise every time it clicked, so basically the same sound as the ratchet normally, but every few seconds it would start to get louder, then a few seconds it would get quieter.  Turned around and headed back to the car to see what was up, hoping it was just running low on grease or something.  Eventually I heard a pop and the cranks could just spin.  The hub-side ratchet was stuck in the hub and I couldn't get it free with the tools in the car, so headed home.  Pried the ratchet out to find all the splines sheared off.  I'm kind of thinking that the splines got too dirty and the ratchet started sticking down in the hub.  If the hub-side ratchet can't spring outwards, then the freehub-side ratchet would get pushed further inwards towards the hub, and maybe the weird sound I was hearing was the freehub-side ratchet making contact with the ratchet drive ring.  I'm thinking that eventually it got pushed so far inwards that maybe the splines from the freehub ratchet started to mesh with the ratchet drive ring?  Making it a fixie for an instant until it broke.

Contacted ZTTO and they are replacing the ratchet drive ring, but I have no idea how I'll get the old one out with stripped splines...


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #109 on: July 11, 2022, 08:49:50 AM »
Just an update, ZTTO offered a warranty replacement on the ratchet ring, but said they couldn't make a shipping label unless I buy something else... wasn't going to use it anyway and was going to keep it as a spare, so I just won't bother.  I was surprised I was able to get the old ratchet ring out with how little spline was left, took a bit of heat and a lot of torque.  I purchased the OE DT ring (HXDXXX00N1131S) and got it back together, all is good!  Comparing the ZTTO ring with the DT ring, the splines on the ZTTO ring are smaller, so a tighter fit with the ratchets.  I've got a few ratchet kits laying around, and the Fonvo 54t ratchet actually gets stuck in the ZTTO ring, but slides freely in the new DT ring.


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #110 on: January 01, 2023, 12:30:39 PM »
Stripped my ratchets today in a similar way. Going to see if I can find an 18T set somewhere to replace it with.

Won't be buying "cheap" hubs anymore.


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #111 on: January 01, 2023, 12:52:35 PM »
Hubs, rear hubs in particular (especially on fat bikes!), are one area I’ve consistently regretted not spending more.

Almost every attempt to save money in this area has resulted in me buying twice (or more) and actually cost me more in the long run.

With a lot of ZTTO stuff it will be reliable long term if you replace the key component they cheaped out on: the bearings in their BBs, the ratchet rings in their hubs. But once you do that, most of the price difference is gone.


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #112 on: January 01, 2023, 01:35:06 PM »
Hubs, rear hubs in particular (especially on fat bikes!), are one area I’ve consistently regretted not spending more.

Almost every attempt to save money in this area has resulted in me buying twice (or more) and actually cost me more in the long run.

With a lot of ZTTO stuff it will be reliable long term if you replace the key component they cheaped out on: the bearings in their BBs, the ratchet rings in their hubs. But once you do that, most of the price difference is gone.

I hope that will be the case, the ratchets are not that expensive luckily. (and 18t easily found due to many upgraders). Sucks that my shin is now Al mangled due to the sudden slip and I have to gain some trust in the new setup as soon as I've rebuilt it.


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #113 on: May 03, 2023, 04:21:09 AM »
Inspection, clean, and lube of Ztto M1 rear hub with 36t star ratchets.  I installed this hub/carbon rim on a newly built 1Kw ebike.  In hindsight I should have checked the degree of lubrication on the ratchets before beginning testing.  At around 1,100km I got the impression that the ratchets were a little slow to release sometimes, so it was inspection time.  Through out the testing the ratchets never slipped, only complaint is that they were a little loud.  For good measure I ordered a fresh set of ratchets, a splined ring, and tool.  Found all parts to be kind of dry, cleaned, re-lubed, and back on the bike. Below are some pics of the star ratchet with some visible wear at 1,100km, other one looked new.


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #114 on: October 22, 2023, 04:32:50 PM »
I've had my M1 hubs for 2 years, main bike during the wet winters we get in the UK. Built up with BTLOS carbon rims, sapim d-light spokes for a build of 1600g. I asked for the 36t from ztto as part of the original order. The wheels have been brilliant, they still spin with hardly any drag and with no side to side play... My maintenance on the other hand hasn't been great.

Took them to bits for the first time today, all bearings are still fine except the outer freehub bearing. The ratchet has been fine but it is showing some signs of wear. The splines in the ring nut in the hub have worn through so only 50% thickness remains.

I'll order the steel dt swiss ring nut and I may buy the 24t ratchet, springs and grease kit, while I have the ring nut out, I'll change all the bearings and make the hub like new.


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #115 on: October 25, 2023, 01:27:14 AM »
I've had my M1 hubs for 2 years, main bike during the wet winters we get in the UK.

I just cleaned and lubed my oldest M1 hub with 36t stars, probably the 4th time in a year, and  around 7K km on the hub.  No ridges on original splines/stars/springs, nor other visible serious wear, the inner ring splines have a chrome like gloss.  The inner and outer stars are quietest when matched to their respective spline ring.  Lubed only with a light blend of SuperLube/ TFE chain lube, see pic.  I ain't paying for that liquid gold stuff they're peddling.


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #116 on: February 10, 2024, 05:15:35 PM »
I just received a set of M1 and R2 hubs and built them up on btlos carbon rims.

I've discovered though that the tolerances of the new hubs are different to the older ones I have used. They no longer fit DT Swiss ratchets, nor do they fit the older ZTTO ratchets. I contacted ZTTO and they send me a new freehub and it has the same problem. The new ZTTO 54t ratchets have a different spring design with a red cap.

Has anyone else had this experience?

This is a bit annoying as now I need to spare different ratchets for these hubs. Might look at goldix or arc hubs next.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2024, 05:20:09 PM by crembz »


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #117 on: February 11, 2024, 11:48:27 PM »
I was getting close to pulling the trigger on a set of these M1 boost centerlock and it says plenty are in stock but they can't be shipped to the United States.

My 2 pair were ordered with an American credit card on AliExpress, but shipment was to my overwintering home in Thailand, duty free delivery.  Approaching 10K km on my oldest pair with original 36t stars and other internals, daily 40km rides include advanced climbs with 1Kw mid drive ebike.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 11:51:21 PM by h-habilis »


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #118 on: July 23, 2024, 05:39:43 AM »
Good morning everyone, I also purchased this m1 hub with 54t movement disastrous result, only after 5km of testing the ratchet started to no longer engage. However, I realized that I had put too much fat inside and this created a layer that did not allow the stars to move freely. tonight I cleaned and lubricated everything with a thin oil and will do a test. I didn't buy them from the Ztto store but on Aliex from another seller who told me to check if it was assembled correctly.


Re: ZTTO MTB M1 Boost hubs 28H 54T Ratchet
« Reply #119 on: July 23, 2024, 05:43:39 AM »

« Last Edit: July 23, 2024, 05:47:02 AM by Specialf. »