recently got 2 new pieces from YKYW
this shirt which the fabric seems a bit different then the others I have from them, nice touch and comfortable, good fit.
this windvest which I'm honestly impressed. The fabric is light and comfortable, it has a type of lycra on the cuffs which help a lot with putting on/taking off, it's well ventilated but I still was well protected from the wind and cold (7 deg C riding with base layer+jersey+windvest, and all good)
It's a major upgrade on the old windvest I got from them (one of the cheapest)
it's just first impressions and still need to check the durability, but it seems good by now
YKYWbike: Love the atheistic of their jerseys, but realising they are deteriorating faster the most others jerseys ie 10 to 15 rides and they are worse that jerseys bought over 5 years ago with 50 or more rides in them. Bought their Korea lycra cargo bibs, first impressions great, so I bought a second pair with the Elastic Interface pad, but again after regular use (maybe 20 rides each) the soft, compressive lycra is a little harsh and lost some compression. Really rate their base layers and socks.
nice post and thanks for sharing the experience!
interesting take on the YKYW, for me it's the other way around, some of the best experience and like 70% of my weardrobe it's from them...
the shirts seem to loosen quicker, but still get 1,5yrs on them until it starts to be bad to wear.. but the bibs I got from them are all still good and compressing well, even after over 2yrs of weekly use
The first one you linked. I don't really do rides under 3 hours so I'm skeptical of any "good for short rides only" reviews
yeah, I have these ones in blue with the purple chamois (Venom90 it seems to be named). The quality is very good, and to be honest seems to be the best at this price range, fits very well, it's comfortable.. all good
For me it works really well for 3-4 hours, above that starts to get a bit harsh. But be aware I'm 62kg
