the YKYWB socks I'd not recommend, I've got like 3 pairs - all received as gifts on orders of 2+ pieces (just ask and you should get some gift too

after some months of use the fabric gets loose, not enough anymore to be tight on the shin and just drop to the ankle, so not good.
Spexcel ones on the other hand (also received as gift upon asking) are really good, nicer fabric and finishing, and are holding well over 1,5yrs of use
I've also got ones from the same 'sportspy store', with some kind of 'mesh' fabric (
here), these ones impressed me, high finishing quality and comfortable fabric, and are pretty cheap too
the Liteskins I've never tried, I've got a bit frustrated and traumatized with 'common' fabric socks (not the tight aero with silicone style) I've got in the past which got loose too fast - they were the cheapest ones too, so bad on my side anyway lol
ones that I'm really curious lately are
these ones from GRC - they seem like a more boutique brand from China, lot of more expensive products but also some more affordable ones, not a lot of sales on Aliexpress (seem recent) but the website and instagram looks good
at this price and with the extra discounts, seem like a really good deal, unfortunately, I'm over my budget right now so will have to wait a bit to check it out (also I have too many socks lol)
the store also has some more aero options, and merino too, but much higher price point.