Author Topic: Museeuw Frames  (Read 922 times)


Museeuw Frames
« on: January 26, 2021, 09:23:47 PM »
While I was just window shoping on ebay for used frames, I stumbled across an auction selling a "Museeuw MFC 3.0" frameset. Any information I find is usually dates between 2010 and 2012. Any other information seems to be pretty sparse. I was wonder if anybody knows anything about Museeuw frames? Are they any good?

They seem to be sold on planet cyclery and a bit on ebay.


Re: Museeuw Frames
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2021, 12:55:50 AM »

Museeuw bicycles is still active. I'm Belgian just like Johan Museeuw. Here in Belgium you see his bikes on a regular basis. But a couple of years ago Johan needed to leave the business when they made some big losses. (a couple millions). They still use his name and I think it's going better with the company now. I have only tested one of their bikes a couple of years ago and it's a decent brand. They're also not too expensive. I ended up with another bike at the time, just because I don't really like museeuw. But that's just my opinion.