Author Topic: Recs for ~40t/~30t cranksets? All I can find are 50/34...  (Read 697 times)


Recs for ~40t/~30t cranksets? All I can find are 50/34...
« on: September 26, 2021, 03:12:21 AM »
Trying to get setup with a ~46t/~30t crankset for my Winspace G2 light touring build.
Using a 11-32 cassette.

Can't find anything cheap on Aliexpress though, any recommendations on what I can buy?



Re: Recs for ~40t/~30t cranksets? All I can find are 50/34...
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2021, 03:49:29 AM »
I had the same problem. The Alibrands seem to be a bit behind on subcompact cranksets.

If you're on a budget, you can opt for a Sensah SRX 1x, with 40t in the front and 11-42 or 11-46 in the back.

For 2x mechanical, I just stick with GRX.