I've been riding the bike around a little and it feels good so far! Not as stiff as my other bikes but not a complete noodle either. I took it to a bike shop and asked them to weigh it. The scale said 14.50lbs! Half a pound less than I calculated the bike would weigh. I'm almost suspicious their scale is a bit inaccurate but I'll take it!
I am going through a slightly headache inducing process of trying to order a new bar/stem from them though. When I ordered the bike, I asked for a 400x110mm bar/stem (and they sent me a bar/stem labeled 400x110 like I asked). Between ordering and receiving the frame, I got a bike fit from my coach and we decided together (after measuring that my shoulders are 37cm) that my 40cm bars on the bike I had with me are too wide and I should move to 36cm bars.
When I finished building the bike, I noticed that my saddle to bar center measurement was around 5-7mm longer than anticipated based on the bikegeocalc model I made of the bike before ordering (this will become important soon). After getting getting the bike fit, building the bike, and riding it around a little. I decided I really did want those narrower bars. Onirii does not make a 360x110 bar so I asked for the 360x100, thinking "oh, I was more stretched out than anticipated with the 110mm stem length so 100mm is probably better anyways.
Onirii said, "sure, $150 please." and I sent them the money with Paypal.
After paying they got back to me and said, "oops, we're out of that size and it won't be back in stock for a while."
I said, "darn. Can I have my money back please?"
They said, "I just measured, our 360x90 barstem is labeled wrong and they are actually all 360x100." and followed up with a photo of the measuring tape measuring the length of them stem.
I did not really believe they mislabeled their bars so I measured mine and found that if you pretend the bar width is 31.8mm my stem does measure to about 110mm but the bar width is more like 44mm and my stem length is closer to 117mm if you measure to the center of the bar. I use Solidworks a lot for work so I decided to import both our photos into a sketch and check some measurements. Based on the photo they sent me, I could tell their barstem was not mislabeled, they were just doing a different measurement from how is was designed and it was indeed 20mm shorter than mine, not 10mm.
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, I don't believe they were trying to mislead me, I think the customer support person just didn't realized the measurement was not meant to go to the center of the bar (who would?). All that being said, it was an annoying process to go through and we have not reached a resolution yet. I've told them I don't mind waiting if it will only be ~30 days until the size I want is available but if it will be longer, I want a refund. It felt like we were going in circles with them saying "this stem is the length you wanted anyways" and me saying, "I don't care what the label says, I just want the one that is 10mm shorter than the one I have currently. The one you're sending photos of is not that."
**disclaimer: all the quotes are not their literal quotes. I am paraphrasing.**
TLDR: Onirii does not measure their stems to the bar center like I anticipated. If you do measure to the center, they come out about 7mm longer than listed so plan this into your build when you order. Other than that, everything with the bike is good so far and I am enjoying it. Scale said it was 14.50lbs.