Author Topic: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc!  (Read 394237 times)


I no longer have any cables on any of the bikes I ride other than my dropper post cable.  Hydraulic brakes and Electric wireless shifting eliminated the need for those cute little plugs...


I no longer have any cables on any of the bikes I ride other than my dropper post cable.  Hydraulic brakes and Electric wireless shifting eliminated the need for those cute little plugs...

How are you liking the Wheeltop for gravel? Are you okay not having a clutch? I'm not sure I want to chance going electronic on my gravel bike. If the groupset dies, I'm usually on more remote mountain trails. I am debating converting my other road bike also to electronic. Contrary to other user experiences, my ER9 has been working perfect. Though I wouldn't mind trying the Wheeltop groupset as well.


How are you liking the Wheeltop for gravel? Are you okay not having a clutch? I'm not sure I want to chance going electronic on my gravel bike. If the groupset dies, I'm usually on more remote mountain trails. I am debating converting my other road bike also to electronic. Contrary to other user experiences, my ER9 has been working perfect. Though I wouldn't mind trying the Wheeltop groupset as well.

Since my gravel bike is a 2 X 12, the old rear derailleur didn't have a clutch.  The new EDS TX rear derailleur works the same as I am used to on a 2X set-up.   To date, one of my 1 X 12 EDS OX rear derailleurs, the battery lasted over 5 days of very heavy shifting usage. (Approx 600 miles.)

On my 2 X 12 EDS TX on my gravel bike, the longest ride to date has been 80 miles, and the battery dropped by about 10%.  I suspect I can get 800+ miles, with lots of shifting and still have battery power left.  One thing that bugs me a little on the TX rear derailleur is that the magnetic recharge contact and rubber sealing boot are on the back side of the battery.  I have a difficult time trying to blindly get the charging cable to sit flush and charge the battery.  I end up flipping the bike up in the air so I can look through the rear wheel spokes and get the charging cable aligned so it will charge the battery.
(3 charges to date:  Initial charge,  One when the battery was down by 20% after initial set-up/shift trimming, and then one time when the battery was at 60% and I was going to ride 90+ miles, but this ride was cut short to 45 miles due to snow on the road.)


Has anyone perchaince ever seen a clone of the Avid Rollamajig?


Has anyone perchaince ever seen a clone of the Avid Rollamajig?

This might work.


I can’t be arsed to troll eBay for another deal, and then fork over another $100 for a DA caliper that may or may not work.

i used to live in london and use ebay a lot. you can easily set a very specific search, and create an email alert when something matches your criteria. was working very well.
And i was using a bid sniper as well, bidding automatically at the last moment.
Made using ebay super convenient, as long as you're not in a hurry.
I bought a campag bora one front wheel for 100 pounds, back in the day. new.
Fast on the flat. And nowhere else.


Has anyone perchaince ever seen a clone of the Avid Rollamajig?

Are you interested in an original Avid one? Can't post pics but pm me....
« Last Edit: May 31, 2024, 08:17:07 AM by Mtnbykr »


thanks tho I'm in Europe. Luckily I found a source for the genuine V2 Avids near me, will shell out for those I think.

The JTek Shiftmade Zero is currently in production too, for 30€.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2024, 03:12:27 AM by Hokum »



Magene P505 power meter spider for like $250 USD if you add a chainring (or a few small items) to activate the $50 USD coupon:


Here after a long break. Eyeing the rim brake EDS TX for my CAAD or SSE. I'm seeing $545~ before coupon, is that a good price?


Here after a long break. Eyeing the rim brake EDS TX for my CAAD or SSE. I'm seeing $545~ before coupon, is that a good price?

Sounds like the going rate. I would just double check the other sellers if they have any coin deals or any additional discounts to lower the price before applying the coupon.


 36t ratchet asymmetrical carbon wheels from Ryet, $50 off $300+ with code USSC50

I'm tempted


Ryet is trash


Ryet is trash

Yeah I did more research after posting that and it seems their wheels aren't very well regarded. I'll stick to Elitewheels if I do get a backup set