Author Topic: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc!  (Read 405516 times)

Wet Noodle

aero seatpost compatible Garmin Varia mount?

Not what you were asking, but that sounds like a task for a 3d printer - just a little spacer thingy to make the mount conform to the rear end of the post and a drop of superglue to keep it fixated to the mount.

Other than that, I have seen pictures somewhere of some over-engineered varia mount with boa-like wire clamping stuff that seemed to be made for aero posts (definitely not ali, though).


Not what you were asking, but that sounds like a task for a 3d printer - just a little spacer thingy to make the mount conform to the rear end of the post and a drop of superglue to keep it fixated to the mount.

Definitely. Someone handy could 3D print it. There are a handful on Etsy which I guess are all 3D printed.

On Amazon I found this -

$25 is way more than I would like to spend though.
Bit surprised no one else has copied this design yet. Usually on Amazon there's a bunch of same products with different prices from different random brands.


Definitely. Someone handy could 3D print it. There are a handful on Etsy which I guess are all 3D printed.

On Amazon I found this -

$25 is way more than I would like to spend though.
Bit surprised no one else has copied this design yet. Usually on Amazon there's a bunch of same products with different prices from different random brands.

The Tusita brand stuff is actually a step up in quality from the other cheap random mounts. I have their garmin/computer mount for standard drop bars and everything from the actual plastic and mounting hardware is more premium.


I have their regular round post Varia mount and its great! Might give in and pull trigger on aero mount too.


I just received these bone conduction earphones for $2.69 USD from Pick 3 & Save. The sound quality is decent and it uses USB-C charging. For cycling I prefer this style of earphones because they don't need to be placed in-ear. It also allows me to hear traffic and have conversations even when the music is playing.

Link for reference, buy instead from Pick 3 & Save for lower price:


I just received these bone conduction earphones for $2.69 USD from Pick 3 & Save. The sound quality is decent and it uses USB-C charging. For cycling I prefer this style of earphones because they don't need to be placed in-ear. It also allows me to hear traffic and have conversations even when the music is playing.

Link for reference, buy instead from Pick 3 & Save for lower price:

Easier said than found on the pick3 listings.  I have looked at the items I have listed for about 20 minutes and the earphones you listed have not shown up.   Any idea if there is a way to search for Pick3 items?


Easier said than found on the pick3 listings.  I have looked at the items I have listed for about 20 minutes and the earphones you listed have not shown up.   Any idea if there is a way to search for Pick3 items?

Add the headphones I linked on your regular AliEx cart. In fact add 3 or 4 other bone conduction headphones as well. Then go to Pick 3 & Save, check the electronics section and do the same thing by adding whichever headphones appear. Since there's no search function, you need to trigger the algorithms to make it a suggested item. This technique works for a variety of other sale items as well. It's well worth the trouble since P3&S prices are usually half of the regular AliEx prices.


Either add them to cart or just "heart" them. Both work. After that Aliexpress starts showing those items everywhere lol.


Another vote for cheap wireless chinese buds. I got these on the 3 for 5 section for 4.50 4 months ago and wear them daily at home, running and on the trainer (haven't ridden outside since..)
Sound is excellent, they never move. The worst thing is the case that is impossible to open without a tool for me

RYET 3D printed saddle also on cheapest I've seen it, 34€ right now from the official LEXON store


How is it impossible to open without a tool, is the lid that tight?


It's not magnetic, it has little notches and recesses that clip into each other but I've only managed to open it by hand twice, with great effort. I have to use something flat as a lever to pry it open


Has anyone bought one of those “fiber led vests” like runners wear? I’ve been riding at night regularly recently and while I have decent front/back lights I’m looking for something a bit more visible.


Has anyone bought one of those “fiber led vests” like runners wear? I’ve been riding at night regularly recently and while I have decent front/back lights I’m looking for something a bit more visible.

That's a good idea, also don't forget your side visibility as well. I've added these reflective stickers on my wheels and fork:


I have had a bunch of poor quality or just plain defective items from AliExpress but none as stupid.


What's wrong with it?